Chapter 5 - Doubt & Mystery

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Lucas's POV

As the bell rang, signaling the end of school, I couldn't help but think that today was actually great.

I got to know Scott better and noticed that he acted exactly like Aaron for some odd reason.

I found out that he actually lived with his mom who was an officer at the town's station. And when I tried asking him about his dad, he just told me that he and his mom split up when he was eight.

His mom obviously got custody and he said that he hasn't seen his dad every since.

"Hey man, lets go." Speaking of which..

"Yeah, c'mon. I don't wanna get asked to bring our teacher's stuff to his office again."

Walking through the halls, we both heard a couple of students talking about a big party that was being held later tonight.

By the way they were talking about it, you could already tell that the one hosting this party must be very popular.

"Gee. Is hosting a party really a good idea after what happened??" I heard Scott mumbling beside me which caught my attention.

"What do you mean??"

"You don't know??" He asked and I slowly shook my head at him.

"Well you see... Mom usually brings some files that she works on home and... recently, there's been some disappearances."

"Wait, your mom lets you read the police files she brings home??" I curiously asked.

"Uhh.. yeah... Yeah she does."

"She doesn't know you're reading them. Does she. "

"Nope. No she doesn't." I chuckled at that. "Anyways, there's been three disappearances so far. And the weird part is that nobody has any clue as to where they are. It's like they just vanished."

"So far?? You think there's gonna be more??" We both stopped in the middle of the halls before he turned towards me.

"Yeah. Cause for me these aren't just normal kidnapping cases. I mean, if it was a kidnapping then why haven't their families receive any calls??"

"Well maybe the ones who disappeared had some enemies." I reasoned.

"They were teens Luke. I doubt that they'd have enemies that would hate them enough to kidnap them." He reasoned back. "There's something weird about this. I just known it."

Just then, I saw my brother along with the others down the hall.

"C'mon sherlock. Just leave the investigating to the police. You don't need to get yourself involved." I said as I circled my arm around his shoulder. Leading him towards the others who saw us coming.

"Hey guys. I want you all to meet Scott. Scott, this is my brother Xavier, my sister Elizabeth, and my cousins Isabella, Chase and Aaron." I introduced.

"Hey, nice to meet you all."

"Where's Francis??" I asked. Noticing that he wasn't with them.

"He went home not long ago. Said that he had some important things to do and that he needed to get going."

"Speaking of which, we have to head home ourselves." Xavier said and with that we all said our goodbyes to Scott and Isabella who was going home to Silver Moon.

But as I droved us back to Bloodrose, I couldn't keep what Scott said out of my head. About the disappearances that were happening.

"What happens with the humans isn't our problem. We should focus more on thinking on a solution about our problem with the Werewolf Council." Mesan voiced out and I knew that what he was saying was right.

Realize: Legacies| Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora