Chapter 3 - Birthday Surprise

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Lucas's POV

The car ride back to Bloodrose was okay. I wouldn't say that it was quiet since when all of us are together, that could never be a possibility.

"That's it. I'm gonna tell dad that I want my own car." Aaron voiced as we exited the car.

"Like uncle Mikey would really give you a car." Ellie mumbled.

"Why not??"

"Cause it's against human law you idiot." My sister said in annoyance.

"That's a thing??"

"Ugh, just how dumb can you be?? C'mon Bella. Lets get inside before these bozos drive me crazy."

"Hey!! How did we get dragged into this??" Chase protested as the girls walked towards the front doors of the packhouse.

"That's because you're all idiots!!" She replied with a smile. Earning eye rolls from us.

"There you all are. I was starting to worry." Mom greeted as we entered.

"Sorry mom. We lost track of a bit of time." I said as I gave her kiss on her cheek.

"No worries. Dinner will be starting soon. Your father's already at the table with your uncles and grandparents." She said to us.

One thing that mom and dad always taught was respect. Especially to those older than you. So on walking into the kitchen, while Aaron and Chase went upstairs to their rooms, the rest of us gave our guests a greeting hug.

"There are my handsome nephews and beautiful niece along with my sweet daughter. Your mother was getting worried." Uncle Sebastian said.

"It's a trait shared by your grandma here as well." That earned Timothy, our grandfather, a light slap on his shoulder from his mate.

"And with good reason. You know the risks of them attending a human run school." She said as she walked towards us along with grandma Eleina behind her with a smile on her face. "Oh it seemed like ages since we last saw you three."

"We're really happy to see you all too grandma." Elizabeth smiled

"Now that you're here, I guess we'll just have to continue our talks later Mason." Dad said as mom arrived with uncle Mikey and the others.

It was a really good thing we had a really big table. Cause if we hadn't, I don't think we could've fit if it were just a normal sized table.

Dinner was going great. We haven't been to Silver Moon in a while so it was nice to hear them tell us some things that had happened to the pack.

"So, how was your first day as the human school??" Uncle Mason asked us curiously.

"It was fine I guess." I said.

"Fine for you guys. It was total hell for me." Of course, Aaron had to say that since he was still sauntering.

"Why?? What happened honey??" Aunt Cindy worriedly asked her son, but he just gave her a shrug before saying.

"Some chick tried to get in my pants." At that, all eating ceased as the rest of us who were with him at school, were beyond shocked and surprised that he actually said that.

"Wait..a girl tried to what??" His dad asked him unsurely. "And on your very first day??"

That earned him a pinch on his side from aunt Cindy to which he immediately protested about.

"What did you tell her??" She then asked.

"I did the most subtle thing I can do." Arron said as he stuffed his mouth with spaghetti. "Told her to back off before I sue her for wanting to have sex with a thirteen year old."

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