Chapter 51 - The Important Question

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3rd person's POV

The darkness of the evening was slowly approaching a secluded hideout in the middle of nowhere.

Rogue wolves as well as vampires walked about. Talking amongst themselves of the events that had transpired that day as well as the possible plans that their leaders could be planning.

The Rogue Alpha Jason and Commanding Vampire Carlos discuss over the multiple maps that they had laid out on top of the wide table. Each marked with X's as Jason went to add more before giving out a villainous chuckle.

"Well today turned out pretty dandy if I do say so myself." He said with a smug expression. "Took a while to prepare, but now my plan's finally in motion."

"I still think that we should've waited like she told us to do. Who knows how this move would affect our future plans." Carlos pointed out. Trying to make the wolf see his sense but the alpha merely scoffed.

"My plan will certainly help us in the long run. Cause if everything goes smoothly, we would win the war before it even started and even before that witch makes her own move against them. So don't worry Carlos cause everything will be fine." He went to assure the vampire but there was still doubt in his mind.

The doors suddenly opened, catching the attention of both supernaturals as they went to look at who it was that walled it.

Though on seeing the person, Jason's expression contorted into great annoyance when his fated mate Mathew walked in. His shirt all crumpled up along with a small, visible rip.

"Who the hell told you that you can walk in here whenever you wanted to??" Jason growled at him angrily. Stopping Mathew from walking forward as he dropped his head and showed his neck in submission.

"F-Forgive me Alpha. I just noticed that many of the warriors outside where injured when I got back so I thought that there was an attack. I just came here to make sure that you were..."

"That I was what?? That I was okay??" He cut him off. Scoffing out dryly as his expression shifted while he gazed at the male wolf. "Please. I don't need you showing your damn concern for me cause honestly it's just downright disgusting. It just reminds me of the fucking mistake that the Goddess made when she gave you as my godforsaken mate."

"That's enough!!" Carlos quickly intervened. Looking at Mathew as he tried to hide his pained expression. "If you have any, show a little fucking decency will you?? You're his other half for crying out loud. It's only natural that he's concerned about you even though he shouldn't even be giving you an ounce of it."

"Like I said. I don't need his damn concern." Jason replied to him. Making sure that he was loud enough for even Mathew to hear which only brought the wolf even more emotional pain that he once again tried hard to hide away. 

"I'll just be going then. Sorry for disturbing you." He said before bowing his head at them. Turning around, Mathew remembered the conversation that he had with the human detective named Cole.

He remembered the question that Cole had asked him after he explained to him of his hard situation regarding his mate.

Why don't you just leave him??

"Wait!!" He stopped and slowly turned his head back around when he suddenly heard his mate call him.

Jason just stared at him with an emotionless expression for a moment. Making Mathew feel a small sense of hope that even with a very small chance, the alpha actually cared for him.

Though his hope soon shattered once more when his mate's expression turned cold.

"Normally I'd be more than glad on seeing you go and not see your ugly mug around here but before you do, be useful and pour us something to drink first." He ordered him to do before looking back to the maps without another word.

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