Chapter 36 - To Capture a Beast

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Aaron's POV

To tell you all honestly, I don't really know how long it's been. But I recon that it's been about a little over or less than forty five minutes since we arrived at the packhouse and we still haven't gotten any word from any of them.

"I can try calling their phones again." Bella went to suggest out of the silence.

"If they didn't answer your previous fifteen calls, what are the chances that they will now??" I went to respond. "They'll be the ones to contact us when everything's good."

"When what's good??" The three of us jumped when we heard someone's voice. And soon enough, we saw my mom walking in with my dad beside her.

"Hello tall people." I greeted which earned me a pointed look from my mom. "I mean, mom and dad."

"That's more like it." She mused. "So, what were you all talking about?? We're you all waiting for someone to call??"

"Oh, uh... Yeah. It's for school stuff." I answered. "Ellie and I are working on a project with one of our classmates from school. We wanted to talk to him about it but he's a bit busy right now and said that he'll call us when everything's good. Right Ellie??"

"Yup. But I guess he's just taking some time to call us." She added with ease.

"Well I'm sure that he'll be done with whatever he's doing soon enough. In the mean time, where are Chase and your brothers??"

"Went to get tacos." She answered, but a confused look formed on the faces of my parents.

"Louren told us that a while ago. They still aren't here yet??" Dad went to asked us suspiciously. His eyes looking at me as if saying that I should tell the truth if I was hiding something.

Remember when I told you that my dad can be scary if he want to be?? Well, this isn't one of those times but the look he was giving me right now was still making me a bit anxious.

"I'm sure that they'll be here in a few minutes." Bella went to answer for us. "Maybe there's traffic?? I mean the joint they're buying tacos from is well within downtown."

"Yeah. And you know how Lucas is about his car. Like a father and son. He doesn't like his car going too fast cause for him it pushing his baby too hard." Ellie added with a teasing chuckle. And with that, it looked like my parents bought it.

"Then care to tell me why the warriors I assigned to keep their eyes on you all, called to tell me that Chase and your brothers are nowhere to be found??" I gulped when uncle Jay walked down from the stairs and gave us a seriously hard glare before turning back to Ellie. "After they abandoned Lucas's car miles away from your school."

Ellie's mom soon followed behind him. Looking a bit worried by he situation that's slowly unfolding.

And by the looks of it, Elizabeth had no idea what to say to her dad at that moment.

"Uncle Jayden. Please. Let us explain." Bella tried to say, but was immediately cut off.

"I am not talking to you, Isabella. BE. QUIET." He snapped. Making sure that we felt his authority by releasing some of his power as the Lead Omega.

"I really thought that all of you would have learned. But I guess, all of you have once again proven to me otherwise!!" We flinched at the suddenness of his powerful tone and just opted to shift our gazes towards the floor.

Aunt Maddison immediately went to try and calm her mate down, which worked to some degree, but you still see the anger on Uncle Jayden's face where he turned back to his daughter.

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