Chapter 10 - Warlock's Wisdom

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I don't know it I already showed her but that's Francis's sister Kate up top⬆️

Jayden's POV

Hours have passed and so far our patrols were doing fine.

Maddison and I along with Mikey switched patrol groups often to see if there was any problems with a certain group.

There weren't many problems so to say but there were some areas that were left unpatrolled for a certain time so we had to address that.

"Hey Jay. I know that we shouldn't be talking about personal stuff during work but.."

"Mikey work or no work, you can ask me anything. C'mon. You don't need to ask permission." I cut him off before he could finish as the two of us lead one of the patrol groups on the southwestern portion of our territory.

"Oh, well.. I was just wondering..." He seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds and with that I knew that this was something really serious for him if he was acting like this.

"Did you... Uh.. I'm sorry for asking something a bit personal but with Elizabeth, did you and Maddison plan on having her??" That question kind of caught me off guard and I almost tripped on a rock just to prove it.

But with the tone that Mikey was talking with and how he was acting right now told me that he was asking me a serious question.

"Yeah. Me and Maddison talked and decided that we wanted to try for a little girl." I unconsciously smiled at the very memory as it played out in my mind along with the time when Elizabeth was born.

We didn't go to the doctor to get the gender checked while my mate was still pregnant with her cause we wanted it to be a surprise.

And hearing the pack doctor announcing that we had a baby girl that day...

Goddess, everyone in the pack was so thrilled.

"When Elizabeth was born, Maddison and I were so happy that we had a little girl." I said.

There was silence for a few seconds before Mikey decided to finally speak out.

"I want a little girl." I had expected that he was going to say that after asking me the question that he did a while ago.

Giving him smile, I gently patted his shoulder as we walked.

"I was always so curious as to why you and Cindy didn't already have a second kid with all the little activities you two always did." I mused out and he playfully shoved me as a result. Making us boy chuckle in the end.

But then his expression went back to being serious as he stared right ahead of us.

"I've always been careful on not getting her pregnant after we had Aaron." He said. "I know that the doctor said that a second pregnancy wouldn't be as difficult and as dangerous as her first one but I just didn't want to risk it. Not after what happened."

I truly understood where Mikey was coming from.

Honestly, I'd be scared too if I went through what he did. So I understood his reluctance.

"Mikey, with what you went through it's completely normal to be scared of what could happen. But remember that you aren't the only one who has to make a decision here. Don't you think that Cindy would want you two to have a second baby??" I asked him.

"I know she does. And so do I but I just can't get what had happened out of my mind."

"You know that it's completely different this time Mikey. With what nearly happened to Cindy was also because of an unseen risk and a threat that we couldn't have prepared for. But that threat's gone, remember?? You dealt with it yourself." He seemed to be thinking of it really deeply by this point.

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