Chapter 14 - The Obedient Kids

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Xavier's POV

"So what are we gonna do?? Are we really not going to do anything about that suspicious tree??" Aaron asked out as all of us, which included Scott of course, sat on our lunch table.

We were trying to think of a way to try and find out what the tree that Charlotte found was which was the very first step in making sure if it had the potential of being a danger.

"Of course not but, who do we even talk to?? Clearly not Uncle Tobias since he'll definitely tell dad. And after we'd just told him we won't get ourselves involved anymore." I said before popping some fries in my mouth.

"As much as I don't like it, this will have to be one of the times that we'd have to disobey him." My brother voiced him.

"Which is a bit funny since it was only a day ago that you three went against what he told us." Chase, Lucas and I couldn't help by groaned out at what Ellie had said.

"Not really helping there little sis." I mumbled. Looking at her pointedly as she just gave me an innocent smile.

"Hey guys. I think I just found something." Scott announced and all of us immediately grouped up behind him. Looking at his laptop with curiosity.

"What is it??"

"It's a report from four decades ago. Apparently, at that time multiple disappearances and deaths reigned rampant here in Timberland. So much in fact that our town's police force had to call help from stations in others towns to help investigate and manage the chaos. Heck even the NBI was involved." He said.

"Did they ever found out what was the cause??" Bella went to ask him.

"It doesn't say. Wait, let me scroll down a bit." He said before going on in using the touchpad.

"Well, things might get a bit more interesting for you guys." He said which only made my curiosity grow even more. "Forensics listed here show that not all victims show the same pattern on how they died."

"How come??" Lucas asked.

"Well, like this victim one here. Cory Stewarts. She was 24 when she died. Last seen going home from work on February 24, 1981 Tuesday. She didn't show up for work the next day. Actually, she wasn't even seen anywhere the whole week and was reported missing." We all listened as Scott spoke out while reading the report listed on his laptop.

"The body was then found by a hiker a few days after the missing person's report was filed. And it also says here that when the authorities arrived at the scene, they were absolutely horrified."

"What did they see??" I asked.

"I don't know. But hey look, here's a file containing some of the pictures." He was about to click it when Aaron suddenly stopped him by saying..

"Do we really have to see those pics?? I mean if it says that the police where horrified by what they saw then it must have been something traumatizing." He voiced.

"Dude, I've seen my own handful of gruesome crime scenes before. And you guys are... you know. I'm sure we can handle it." He reasoned out before clicking the file. 

"It can't be that ba..."

The human wasn't able to finish his sentence due to the sheer shock of what we all saw.

I saw Ellie look away as well as Isabella while the rest of us just went silent as we scanned the pictures.

"Oh God..." Scott murmured like he was about to puke. "Are those her.."

Looking closer, Lucas lets out a sigh. "Yup. Those are her intestines."

"Okay...I was wrong. This is so much worse than what I've seen." Groaning, Scott went to close the file.

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