Chapter 43 - Airheads Don't Get Lollies

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Xavier's POV

I didn't really keep track of how long it took for Lucas and I to pick up Scott and arrive at Kate's house but right now the three of us were currently stepping out of my brother's car as we headed towards the front door.

"So uhh.. what do you guys plan on telling her and their parents??" I hear Scott asking beside me.

"We're only going to talk to Kate, not their parents. If they ask why we're here we'll tell them that we just wanted to see how they were since we're Francis's friends." I answered.

"And when we're alone with Kate, we ask her if she can go with us. Back to our pack." Lucas added.

"Woah wait. Hold up. You aren't really going to seriously say pack right?? Cause if any of you two are then I am seriously advising you to do otherwise and don't."

"Of course we aren't going to say pack Scott." My brother told him.

"Oh, good. Glad to clear that up then."

Standing on the front door, I went to give three simple knocks as we waited. Hearing someone shuffling inside as footsteps slowly approached from the other side before it opened to reveal a familiar face.

"What are you doing here??" Kate asked us in utter curiosity and slight suspicion as she looked at us.

"Hey Kate. We wanted to uhh.." Lucas started. Giving a quick glance my way before looking back at the girl in front of us. "We wanted to see how you and your parents were doing. Is it okay if we come in??"

With the weary expression on her face, she looked like she wasn't really believing what Lucas was saying.

"Kate?? Who's at the door??" We heard a voice behind her say as an older looking woman walked up to stand beside her. "Can we help you with something??"

"Hi Mrs. Mcinley. My name's Xavier and this is my brother Lucas and our friend Scott. We're friends of Francis from school and we just wanted to drop by and ask how everything was, if it's alright." I politely told her and watched as an unsure and careful look formed on the woman's face.

"Mom it's fine. I know them too. They're really his friends." Kate assured her to which made her nod her head as the two of them stepped aside. Inviting the three of us inside.

"I'm truly sorry for the suspicious looks that I gave you but... I've never really met any of my son's friends before." Mrs. Mcinley explained as they led us to the living room. "And with what happened to him... I..."

"You don't really need to explain Mrs. Mcinley. We completely understand." Lucas assured as the three of us sat down on the couch across from the one she and Kate decided to sit on.

"How are you all holding up?? Did the police find anything on where Francis could be??" I asked and saw a completely depressed look form on the woman's face as well as Kate as she went to comfort her.

"It's been difficult. But we're still hoping for the very best. My husband's out there with a search party at this moment and we're all just hoping that they find him. Or something that could at least help in finding him." She said in utter distress. You could very well see how this was affecting her and it was a bit difficult to hold myself back from telling them about Francis.

Though I still managed to do so.

"They haven't really found anything other than the pieces of his ripped clothes." Kate spoke out when her mom held back the son that had wanted to escape her. "But we're still holding out on hope that he's okay. We know that Francis is still out there. And I know that we're going to find him."

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