"There" Kai said as he sat up on his knees.

"Check it out, Darl" Kai grinned.

Ugh, what did this guy do now.

I roll my eyes and pulled my shirt up a bit to see better but seen, a beautiful deep purple of a love bite that was shaped in the letter of "K".

"You put your initial on my belly, really?" I giggled as Kai used the blanket the wipe off his spit off my belly.

"Uh huh, now I've totally marked you in anyway I've wanted to" Kai snickered as he towered over me, once again caging me in with his weight and arms beside me.

"Mhhm, a real territorial man you are huh?" I giggled before he kissed me deeply then I yelp in surprise when he threw me over his shoulder and taking both of us off the bed and into the kitchen, whereas kai finally put me down on my feet but still trapping me in his arms.

"Surprisingly doesn't smell burnt in here" Kai chuckled as he looked down at me then I roll me eyes and trying to break free out of his grip.

"Seriously kai, keep up with that and I'll just end up giving the food to your subordinates" I said while failing on trying to free myself.

"Oh? Like who, Rappa?" Kai said while tightening his grip. I scoff.

"What, are you jealous I spent a bare minimum of time with another man?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"And what if I am, what can I say? What mine is mine and what is mine- I'm pretty possessive of" Kai growled before biting onto my jaw.

"Ow! Kai! Stop- wait!-" I began giggling then laughing as Kai tickled on my ticklish spots and just for a second, I finally broke free then I ran around the island bar as coverage and a way to put Kai and I space from one another.

I stared at Kai with an unsteady laugh with a smile as Kai from across the island bar had a devilish grin.

"K-kai, I mean it. Stop, seriously- kai- ka-SHIT!" I laughed as I ran away from Kai who was a lot faster than I am, so I ran out of the house and into the garden, whereas kai hesitated since we're both still in our pajamas. Well, he only had his boxers on.

"Y/n chisaki, get back in here. Now" Kai said sternly but yet, still held onto that grin.

"No" I said.

"Get in" kai said once more.

"Or what?" I hesitantly said with a giggle.

I watched Kai look at me then the ground and back at me.

"Fuck it" Kai said before bolting out of the house and I ran for dear life around the structure of the garden.

"You better run Y/n!" Kai yelled as I looked back to see him gaining up on me so I ran as fast as I could into the house and I grabbed a plate of eggs then behind the island bar, with a stance of threatening to throw the eggs at him.

Kai came in without a second to spare and saw my stance so he grabbed a plate of bacon.

"Shit" I whispered at myself, grease beats eggs in my situation.

"Y/n, put that plate down" Kai said as he pulled the stance of threatening to throw the bacon.

"No. You first" I said hesitantly while Kai grabbed onto the bacon and I did the same with my eggs.

"Y/n Chisaki, if you throw those- UGH!" Kai yelled in disgust as I had already threw the eggs at him while grinning and trying to contain my laughter but my eyes widen at the sight of bacon thrown onto me.

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