Chapter 9

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My eyes began hurting from the bright light shining through my window so I throw my blanket over my head.

Shit, I forgot to close to blinds. Fuck that, did I even lock the windows and the door!?

I groan at my own stupidity as I force myself to peel my body off my warm and comfortable bed to check if the locks were locked: to which they were.

Since I'm up this early morning, might as well get ready.

I start making coffee while taking a quick shower then later throwing on a comfortable deep purple, dress on with pockets.

I grab my school belongings to the kitchen to check if I missed anything or to review any mistakes I had made while sipping on coffee.

After awhile I finished, so i check my phone, seeing a notification from Todoroki, Natsuo. Who wants to follow me on Instagram.

My head was full of screaming as I felt my chest filling up anxiety and butterflies in my stomach.

Holy shit, how did he even find me? My account is pretty secretive, I made sure no one from school follows me, aside from Valentine but still?! God, I'm just tripping. Okay, okay, okay.

I took a couple deep breaths before smiling like an idiot.

Ohhh, god.. fuck you Todoroki, Natsuo. Why do I have to act like a preteen, love-struck on a crush? Well.. I'm not totally in love, seems like a big leap of commitment that I don't wanna do.

I shook my head, sighing deeply.


Todoroki_Natsuo.48.  Is now following you!

I'm a bit of a creep, which is why now I'm 32 weeks in, on his Instagram page. Hmm, his girlfriend is so gorgeous, weird I never see her around campus honestly. Must go to another school.

I placed my phone down to make myself some toast before heading out to figure out what to get for Nejire. I was in the mall for an hour before seeing Valentine with her man, I smiled at her and giving her a thumbs up. But then she came over anyway.

We introduced each other and the guy wasn't all that bad. I told Valentine what the plan was for this weekend and she was all for it. We then separated our ways.

Hours in the mall and I found a couple outfits that Nejire would like, along with perfumes and a couple heels.

I wouldn't have been able to spend this much if it wasn't for Overhaul, really. Hmm, I wonder if I should be his sugar baby or something. Wouldn't be a bad thing since he seems attractive and... weirdly already attracted to me? nah probably wouldn't work out anyway since he seems too complicated.

I throw my belongings into the trunk, got into my car and drove off. I look at my clock. 1pm.

Four hours until I have to meet Overhaul. Wonder what I can do till then.

I looked behind the wheel, seeing I needed to get gas so I drive the nearest gas station.

"Heyyy there! L/n. Wow you look good today, going on a date with a guy or something?" He stupidly smiled at me.

"Uh, no? Well I asked someone to meet up with me but it's not a date, really. I hope he doesn't think that way though" I shrug.

"Wow leading him on huh?" Todoroki laughs,

"Oh I'm just kidding, you don't seem to play guys"

"Hahah, yeah I guess. But no, I just needed to ask this guy a question that's been bugging me for some time and I would have asked him before but..  I kinda got pissed at him so I left him" i laugh it off at the end.

Todoroki nods as he kept his eyes on me.

Ugh my god, seriously why does he have to be so damn fine looking!?

"Really? Well word of advice, if he is your boyfriend; just tell him right away. No point in keeping it to yourself, yah know?" Todoroki said with a smile

I look at him with a smile forming on my face as I laugh a bit, to which Todoroki gave me a weird facial expression as to why I looked at him the way did.

"Ohh, well... I'm just here, wondering why you're still on the idea why he maybe or maybe not, is my boyfriend?"

Todoroki responded with a blush on his face and a stutter. He shook his head and cleared his throat,

"Actually, uh.. well I'm just looking out for you, you know? Like a friend?" He hesitantly stated.

"Ahhh, so you and I are friends now huh? Is that why you sent me that follow request?" I rose my eyebrows at him as I nodded with a smile.

"Y-yeah, yes actually. So now you and I are now friends, alright?" He looked at me with a bit nervousness expression.

Yup, he really is a dork. But he's a very adorable dork.

I laughed while nodding my head.

"Alright, yes we are. Well I'm gonna go, there's a line forming so.. later!" I waved at Todoroki before driving off.

My hands gripped onto the steering wheel as my smile widen that showed off my teeth.

Holy-fucking-shit! I just had a whole conversation with my crush? With Todoroki! I have to tell Valentine!

I parked my car to call Valentine, telling her to meet up at a traditional restaurant and she agreed.

She probably hasn't had lunch yet either- ooh! I wonder what I should get?

Overhauls P.o.v:

"Yes, his name is Todoroki, Natsuo. Son of the number two hero: Endeavour. Shall we build up a plan to get Todoroki to stay away from L/n, boss?" Chrono asked.

"No, it would be too much exposure for us and it wouldn't do us any good. But for now, monitor on any and every interaction they have with each other, understand?"

"Yes boss" Chrono drove off.

I've heard of yandere here and there but I wouldn't claim myself as one. Although what i want is, what I should have and what I have is mine but I wouldn't go great lengths to expose myself to such high publicity, just to ruin my plan to avenge for my fathers name to a simpleton girl like L/n. She is somewhat a mystery, left her family in a foreign country to come to Japan to become a stripper, all while doing college. All that at the age of 19. I wonder what made her leave her family, by the documents it seems like her family was average, average grades in highschool too. So why is she all the way over here?

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