Chapter 40

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"Why. Is. There. A. Child. Here" I pronounced each word harshly while I stood up and holding the young child.

"That's chronos child" Kai stated and I looked at Chrono, genuinely shocked by the fact he has a child.

I mean... I can kinda see it, they both have somewhat similar hair color, I guess.

"Yes, so please hand my daughter to me" Chrono said.

As I walked towards him to hand the child, my stomach wrenched as a sign that it was a terrible idea.

"P-please, don't let go" The young child spoke ever so softly, more than a whisper.

I looked down at her trembling body, she was obviously terrified. She has bandages on. My heart crushed when Chrono snatched her from my arms, as if she were my child.

"Why is she all bandaged up?" I asked as I never let my eyes off the child, afraid something would happen.

"Eri; Chronos daughter happens to be quite clumsy actually. So we do everything to keep her intact" Kai said so coldly.

With how he said it, it felt almost sinister. I looked at him and almost seeing a different person. I gulped down a knot in my throat once Chrono and Eri, walked out of my sight.

"Darling, are you alright? You look almost a little pale" Kai changed his tone of voice in a matter of seconds once we're alone. I looked at him and nodded my head.

"Yes, kai. Uhm- why is the child- Eri, here? Isn't dangerous for a child to be here" I asked him.

"No, of course not. If it weren't, I wouldn't have you down here either" Kai stated as he studied my face, full of worry for the child still.

"Eri is safe. As long as Chrono is there with her, my most trusted men; she'll be safe" kai confirmed as he cupped my face.

"Is there any way, for me to visit Eri? She seems like an adorable girl" I smiled as I thought over Eri, having an attachment towards her so suddenly. Like a mother to their child.

Seriously, what is wrong with me? What's the sudden change of heart? I dunno, probably just normal women hormones.

"No, Y/n. That is Chronos child and she rarely ever is around here anyway" he stated as he pulled away, finally checking out what I am wearing.

I sigh since he was right. I looked at Kai, seeing almost-like hunger in his eyes.

"Uhh... kai?" I asked him, a bit confused.

His eyes shot up to mine and I swear, his eyes glowed so magnificently.

"You look breath-taking my Darling, in the most sophisticated-Slutty way when you have my markings on you" Kai chuckled as he pulled his body onto mine and I hear a growl forming in his throat.

"I'm under the impression you'd want me to fuck you, right now, right here because of how sexy you look" Kai mumbles next to my ear while his hands traveled down my spine to my ass and gripping upwards then slapping it; making me yelp in surprise.

"Unfortunately I can't fuck you right now, I have a meeting and you're coming with; dressing like that too" Kai pulls away as he held onto my hands, nodding his head as his eyes travelled each inch of my body.

"God, can't you be any more perverted" I giggled while his eyes were practically glued onto my body, until his eyes met mine.

"Is that a permission for me to do so?" He chuckled that made my face heat up.




As soon as Kai and his trusted men were ready, we set off to a location he yet hasn't said. Kai and I drove in a black Mercedes with harsh tinted windows that was illegal, then again so was Kai, I assume since he is in a long history of an infamous gang.

Reckless. Reader X Overhaul - COMPLETE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ