Chapter 17

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We arrived to the restaurant and we sat outside on a balcony that overlooked the city. It looked beautiful, especially in the night. All the pretty lights turned on, seeing tiny specks of human beings walking about. Even the wind was only a breeze. Everything looked so small. It made me wonder, there are people celebrating for things like birthdays, just general parties, a new baby. Well, a baby wouldn't be a great thing for me.

"You look gorgeous" Overhaul spoke.

I look at him,
"I thought I was nothing but a whore?"

"No, you aren't. I really am sorry, I was lashing out and I shouldn't have done that to you. I was true about you being pure, you're something I want. Something i want to give everything to." Hearing him saying such things made my stomach have butterflies that i couldn't handle.

I've never heard anyone speak to me this way. Then again, is it manipulation?

"I can't just trust you like that Overhaul, you-you're complicated. You talk to me like I'm the worst thing and the next you're praising me. It's confusing as fuck, you know" I said.

Overhaul listened to me intently.

"I know, I just don't know how to go about things like this. Look I like you, you seem strong. Strong willed and gorgeous, kind too. There's just something about you, that I can't seem to shake off." He sighs, about to speak again but the server cuts in.

"Now, what will you two couple like to order?" They asked.

I look over the menu.

"I'll have this and a glass of white wine please and thank you" I smile at the server as I give them my Menu.

Overhaul orders his food as well.

"You didn't even bother to correct them" Overhaul says once the server left.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I looked at him confused.

"They called us a couple. You didn't hear that?" He asked.

"Oh. I dunno, guess I didn't care for to correct them" i shrug as our drinks came in.

"Tell me about yourself Y/n." I looked at Overhaul.

I sighed, hesitantly telling him very few personal things and keeping things vague.

"Really?" He asked.

I nod my head,
"Yeah, that's how my siblings are. Well, they're little shits but I love em... in a sense?"

"Ah, I take it you're the oldest?" He asked.

"No no, youngest 6. Three older sister and two older brothers. I'm the sixth"

He nodded,
"Sounds like a disaster"

I end up laughing, remembering about my family.
"Most definitely, a lot of unnecessary drama that wasn't needed. But although I wasn't actually close to any of them besides the middle child, my sister. But even her, it was... something. We don't need to get into that" I try laughing it off but i knew Overhaul was going to ask me a question I didn't want to answer.

"So why'd you leave your home?" There it was, the one he asked.

I shook my head,
"It was all too much. I love my family, trust me. But I've realized since i was young, i can only love them from afar. I was planning on living into the next city over but they would still be too much so.. I moved out here"

Overhaul was honestly a great listener, I accidentally ended up telling him deeper things of topics I didn't plan on telling him. Mainly because I felt safe to tell him. We ate our food, talking back and forth of random things. He even made me laugh, I didn't take him for one to make jokes. I guess him and I stayed too long since our server told us they were closing. We walked back to the car and he opened my door and I slid in, bulking myself but it didn't to work.

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