Chapter 36

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A/N: This Chapter will contain (descriptive) mature themes, swearing, guns etc. Mentions of blood as well.
Reminder: this is an 18+ story, if you're underage, don't like Overhaul or my writing style, literally fuck off already.




As I drove through the night and flickering lights, I kept thinking what Kai had said. Either this night will end up a disaster or a night I'd never forget, who knows. This man has and always been unpredictable, has a million red flags that I should run away but why is it when I feel that instinct, I'm right back into Kai's arms.

I walked into the club to what seems to be a million people scattering everywhere, especially the dance floor. From a distance, I seen Todoroki waving from the V.I.P section. His friends were with him, along with Valentine since I had told her to come. Even brought Hawks and-

Oh- motherfucking shit!

"Y/N!! Sweetums, you finally made it! I was beginning to think you bailed on us to bang your man!" Valentine slurred her words.

"Valentine!" I slapped her arm.

"Ohshit! My bad sweetums, I meant hang!" She giggled as she handed me a drink.

I took it from her, immediately downing it since I knew now; it's going to be a long night. Especially from how Mirko had her eyes set on me.

"Since you're dating, where is this wonderful man? If I were him, I wouldn't leave such beauty unattended. Then again, he surely placed his mark on you" Mirko had a hint of jealousy in her voice, maybe she's drank a bit too much. To make it worse, she chugged another straight shot.

Fuck that, to make this situation worse I fucking forgot to put make on my breasts to hide to hickies. Good job.

"Uhm.. well he's pulling a late night at his work besides he trusts me to be out wearing this" I spoke confidently with two lies in one.

How is it I'm able to lie to others so easily but never to Kai?

"Alright! Let's have some fun!" Hawks broke through the awkward tension in the air.

Hawks was honestly a great person to have a conversation with, even talked about the night him and I fought and said 'never in my life, a women who has no experience in fighting, was able to glock my ass and break my nose!' The conversation was loud since the music was blaring remixes of various songs. We talked over fond memories from each and one of us, even Todoroki's friends.

The conversation went for over an hour till I felt a piercing gaze burning on my skin, I instinctively looked around and found nothing. I took another sip from this big cup Valentine and I were sharing, it tasted cool and sweet but the liquor was hitting hard this time. I still couldn't shake the feeling off so I looked around again to see Kai, wearing a full on white suit with a golden tie and his usual beak mask. He waved his hand from the other side of the club.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, this... is not going to end well.

As if right on cue, shootings of malicious guns were heard from the entrance. Of course having two heros here, they jumped right into action as they yelled for everyone to start running to safety. The crowd went berserk, everyone was running, screaming as the music kept blaring. My eyes searched for Kai but I couldn't find him. I felt the liquor hitting me hard and with the flashing lights, it didn't help. Valentine had grabbed me and pushed us through the crowding bodies. Screaming of pain filled the room and I instinctively looked back to see pools of red blood flooding the dance floor, the sight made me want to gag but suddenly Valentine and I lost our grip from each other and with the crowd like this, it was impossible to find her so I kept pushing through the crowd to get out of here till I felt her hands on my arm, pulling me the other way where it wasn't crowded.

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