Chapter 18

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I got back to my apartment and gathered my things I needed for school and to change my clothes. I rushed out, seeing Overhauls car still there.

"I thought you drove off already?" I asked him.

"I'm taking you there" Overhaul said.

I took up the offer and once we got to the campus I was about to rush out the car but I lean over and kiss his temple.

"Thanks. See you later" I rush out and to my classes.

I can barely focus on the lectures because every second Overhaul came into mind. Especially how he looked without his mask, how toned his body was, how passionate he made out with me and how he was so soft with me. More importantly how it was unfair he left me high and dry but by guess it's going to be worse if he's going to edge me on. I wonder how? Is he going to kiss me until I beg him? Is he going to make me suck on him, letting him release his load and not me?

I feel a nudge on my arm, I look over and seeing Todoroki gesturing me to focus. I nod.

I guess I do think too loudly.

Lunch came around and I packed my things as I hear my phone go off. It was Valentine, wanting to get lunch together as usual. I walked out the classroom and head to the nearby diner Valentine and I usually go to.

"L/n! Wait up!"

I look back, it was Todoroki running up to me.

How weird, usually whenever I see it I'd get butterflies and all geedy. But..  I dont feel anything like that anymore.

"Hey Todoroki, whatsup?" I continue to walk as I talked to him.

"Nothing, just wanted to see yah" he grins.

I smile and nod,
"Oh really? Shouldn't you be out doing something better?"

"C'mon, I can't say hi to my friend? Especially after you kept zoning out of class. What were you even thinking about?" Todoroki asks.

I shrug,
"Remember that guy you kept on insisting he was my boyfriend?" Well... I think he does wants to become a thing because I kinda" I laugh shyly.

"I kinda slept at his house last night?"

Todoroki's mouth drops,
"Woah, you slept with him?"

I scoff,
"What no, no we didn't do anything. We just.. he took me out on a date, we talked and it was already late so he let me sleep in his extra room. Even made me breakfast this morning" I smile and blush over the thought of this morning.

Todoroki was silent so I looked at him, he was staring ahead. I nudge him.

"Hey, you good?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I am. Just thinking over things" he sounded a bit distracted.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

He shook his head,
"Nah, maybe later. I gotta go, I'll see yah?"

"Mhhmm, later"

I met up with Valentine and we ate. I told her everything and apparently with her story was better than mine. It was definitely better considering she dropped her boyfriend and is now doing sneaky links with hawks. After the whole scandalous conversation and lunch, she headed off to her classes but for me, my classes were canceled.

I called a taxi to get home and during the ride I looked through my phone. Messages from Mirko, wanting to meet up with me. Sending goodmorning and goodnight texts.

I feel like such an asshole for leaving her in the dark now

I pay the driver and head up to my apartment. I yawned, feeling my brain being a bit overworked so I decide to take a nap once I get home.

Reckless. Reader X Overhaul - COMPLETE Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt