Chapter 6

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Ugh this is such a drag, we've been in this line for what seems to be  forever. I absolutely regret coming here but I can't leave now, by ball park, we'll probably get to see Hawks in another 15 minutes. Hawks isn't the only one here, Allmight and Endeavour. 
Huh, from here I can see a green haired kid jumping up and down in front of Allmight, Must be another crazed fan.

I giggle to myself at the thought of Valentine doing the same thing once she sees Hawks.

"Hey I'm getting thirsty, you want anything?" I asked Valentine.

"Yeah sure, water or anything really" her expression was surely excited, I'm genuinely surprised she isn't acting that green headed kid, well probably not yet.

I walked into a store, grabbing some snacks first and two water bottles. I pull up to the cashier, giving him the cash in all ones.

Fuck, I forgot to trade my ones into 50s and the like.

The cashier smirked at me as he bagged my products.
"So sweetheart, where does a beauty like you work?"

"Uh well-" I flinched at the touch of someone's hand on my shoulder.

"She works for me, at my office. Isn't that right?" He looked at me, smiling.

God his smile makes me melt, I hate him.

"Yes, exactly." I nod.

The cashier grumbled under his breath as Todoroki, Natsuo had a big smile on him and winked at me.

Seriously, how hot can a guy be?

I look at my feet to avoid eye contact. Once the cashier bagged my products, I immediately grab my bag and leaving the store as fast as I can without saying thanks to Todoroki.

Rude, I know but I can always apologize later. Besides, Valentine is most likely next to meet hawks- anddd I was right.

Valentine had the biggest smile on her face as she was next to meet hawks.

"Ohmygod! Y/n, you're finally here! Ohmygod, he is definitely a lot more attractive up in person don't-cha think!?" Valentine squealed in excitement.

Seeing Valentine so happy was certainly contagious, seeing as I felt a smile forming on myself.

"Oh definitely, I agree. Oh look, we're next, try to calm down just a bit won't you?" I asked.

"No promises!" She immediately runs up to hawks once the others had left. Valentine asked him questions, took pictures. She had a blast.

Hmm, I genuinely thought he would be alot taller, kinda like Endeavour. He gives off that vibe. But I guess I was wrong.

"You look like you have a question, what is it huh?" Hawks snapping me out of my thoughts.

Shit, I was probably looking too long.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought you were taller" my eyes widen, regretting it instantly.

Good fucking job, insulting a high end pro hero?

"Ouch!" Hawks places his hand over his chest as dramatically as he could, acting like he got shot. But he laughs it off.

"Sorry, you just give off... tall vibes? I guess?"

"So you're saying I'm short? C'mon, I'm taller than you" he stands right up to me to compare sizes, as well as spreading his wings to appear bigger.

He's so close, he... weirdly smells like a pigeon? And whiskey. Huh, I wonder which type of whiskey is his favorite.

"No no, not what I was saying alright?" I push him away.
"Just saying I thought you'd be at least like, Endeavour's height or something like that"

I then turn the conversation towards him and Valentine considering Valentine is definitely a bigger fan of Hawks than I was.

Our time was up and waved him goodbye. After that we went to Valentine's house to study.

Overhauls P.o.v:

He approached her, a bit too close.
She's obviously repulsed by him, she had to push him away, having to literally touch a so called "hero". And now, she's tainted by his plague of filth.

I sighed, a bit frustrated.

Chrono asks me,
"Would you like to head to the base now?"

"Yes but send someone else to monitor her"

"Yes boss"

Your P.o.v:

Valentine and I finished out homework by 7:30, giving us enough time to get ready to go to the Club. Normally I'd get ready in my apartment but I didn't have enough time, besides half of my stuff is here anyway.

"Hey do you think that guy is going to come back and give you that same amount of cash again?" Valentine breaking the silence. Well it wasn't silent to begin with, we had a playlist of music to get ready to.

I snort "please, I highly doubt it. He probably had a bonus on his cheque and decided to treat himself"

"What a weird way to treat himself if I'm honest. Seriously if I was the guy I'd buy myself so much snacks, food and even pay the next four months of my rent yah know, or even buy myself a good working car. Oooh!! You know you should definitely decorate your apartment a lil" she looks at me while applying her lip gloss.

I hate it when she does that, she knows I'm such a simp for women who holds eye contact and applying whatever it is on their lips.

"Girl, fuck off!" I push her away,
"But anywayyy... I dunno. The guy was cute, certainly has a dominant personality" yeah, a murderous one

I sigh, "if I go apartment... stuff.. shopping? Wanna come with? I'm pretty indecisive with "treating" myself"

"Oh I been knew that. So, whatcha think?" Valentine stands up, showing her outfit. For tonight, it was going to be a costume theme.

I had originally wanted to be Kermit the frog but I guess that wasn't allowed, so Valentine and i are matching.

Valentine was the mouse and I was the cat. Kinda like Jom and Larry.

We finally pulled up to the club and saw the one and only person I didn't wanna see again.

I think my heart dropped out of my ass.

Reckless. Reader X Overhaul - COMPLETE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora