Chapter 8

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"I am not allowed to be doing this to paying customers. It's illegal overhaul" I push his away from my thigh.

He's definitely dominant, I want.. kinda want to submit to him from the way he makes feel so small and weirdly enough, protected? but- he's just another guy?! Well not literally, he has put my life on the line so he is dangerous.

"I can offer you a lot more, more than any other guy can offer you, really." He spoke softly as his hand latched back onto my thigh.

I scoff at his actions

"My God, you're such an asshole!" I push his hands away and got off him.

"You're so unpredictable I must admit that. Last time I saw you, you were threatening my life and now you're acting as if I'm something you can "easily get" with? Especially with the fact you want to "buy" me for the night? Seriously, the hell's wrong with you?"

I shook my head, storming out of the room and I head into the dressing room to calm myself. I sighed deeply, mumbling under my breath,

"He must be just another rich guy with too much money" I groan a bit.

"Hey sweetums, I JUST saw that guy that gave you a bunch of cash. You should go out there" Valentine playfully hits my back.

I look at her as I shook my head,
"Nah, we hate him. Just another rich dude trying to buy his way into me" I click my tongue, sensing my attitude raising.

"Oh my god, sounds like a major douche. Well like you said, we hate him so we'll avoid him tonight yeah?" Valentine immediately agreed.

I nod my head at her. Shortly after that, her and I did our thing, dancing, champagne rooms, breaks, pole dancing and the like. But throughout the night, it felt like Overhaul was keeping me on a short leash considering everywhere I looked, he stared right back at me.

Seriously, what does this guy want from me. We've really didn't even have more than five conversations and here he is, acting as though he can easily use me. Maybe I should talk to him, ask him when he'll be done monitoring me. And then that's that, hopefully. Guess I'll find him after work.

8 hours of working the pole and flashing lights left me feeling exhausted.

I'm in the dressing room, slowly pushing my comfortable clothing on because of how badly my body was aching.

To think my body would get used to this by now, guess I need to work on stretching before work and build up on more stamina.

I tipped out, saying goodnight to Valentine and asking if she needed a ride. Apparently her new man was going to pick her up but that's a conversation for later.

I was going to find Overhaul to talk to him but he wasn't anywhere, I could look into the champagne rooms but it wasn't my place to look.

I left through the back door while hrowing my bag next to me and started my car.

It was a long drive back to my apartment so I bought fast food to feel less hungry than I already was. I finally got to my apartment and hauled my stuff with me as I got out of my car. Down the road, I noticed that same black car with tinted windows. The engine was off so I walked towards it.

I knocked on the drivers window and it rolled down, showing a person with a beak mask and a white... rain coat?

"Hello L/n, is there anything you need?" He asked.

"Yes actually, I was wanting to ask Overhaul a question. But I'm tired so can he meet me at the Owl cafe Fukurou, tomorrow at 5pm?" I asked.

"I will let him know" He nod his head.

"Thanks, have a goodnight...? What's your name?" I asked.

"Chrono" He said a bit hesitantly.

"Chrono, cute name. Alright have a goodnight" I smiled at him as I walked back into my apartment.

Overhauls P.o.v:

"Cute huh?"

"She's the one that said it, not me boss"
Chrono answered.

"Whatever, let's get back to the base"

Your P.o.v:

Home at last.

I drop my bag and ate my food as I charged my phone. I took a shower to wash the smell of perfume and mens sweat who did nothing but sat there.

Seriously, i do all the work and how is a man capable of sweating from just only staring? Men are sure questionable at things, at times.

I checked my phone after it finally charged up, seeing a notification from a younger friend; asking if I wanted to go to their house party this weekend. To which I agreed as long as I bring a friend, she said it was alright.

Ah this will be good, to take a break from both work and school. Besides I haven't seen Nejire since she was a first year. I believe she's turning 18 now. Huh, I wonder if it would be a bad thing to bring sake. I'll just bring a bottle but now I have to find an older friend to get it for me.

I sighed deeply as I felt a headache forming.

I'll think about this tomorrow.

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