Act Nineteen: I believe you

Start from the beginning

"You'll get use to it, she hates being behind. Let's go your girlfriends ahead!" Deja says as she goes off running ignoring the protest yells from Isaac. Even though he mentally wasn't complaining at the name, Deja still couldn't find Davina anywhere. "Where the hell did she go?"

Davina was running some what in the front, she sees two people go tumbling down the hill. Her kind her heart getting the best of her, she goes down to check if the two boys were okay. When she got there she got a feeling that she shouldn't of been there.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Davina ask wearily, the feeling getting stronger as she approached them. But her ignoring it, the two boys stand up quickly turning around, her instantly recognizing them. "Damn it Davina!"

"We were hoping it was your boyfriend, but I guess you work to." Aiden says stepping closer to the Stilinski girl, Davina looks around for anything and everything.

"I've seen a lot of action movies so try me! Or don't you know, you really shouldn't but... and he's not my boyfriend!" Davina retorts, her mentally cursing that she didn't listen to her gut feeling.

"Ethan, I always forget-- how many bones in the human body?" Aiden ask as he grabs Davinas arm, Davina steps on his foot with all her weight, him surprising letting go making Davina let out a disbelief laugh.

"There are 206 bones in the human body by the way." Davina states, Aiden only looks angrier making Davina step back a few. "Oh, calm down wolf boy," Davina says and Aiden lets out a low growl before he lunges at Davina, Scott coming out of nowhere punching Aiden.

"That's one bone!" Scott says witty, Ethan then lunges at Scott, Isaac coming and helping out Scott. Everyone stops at the sound of a girl screaming. "Davina are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." Davina says with a sheepish smile. Both Scott and Isaac smiling back,

"Come on," Isaac says grabbing Davinas hand as they walk over to where the scene was, Davinas mouth dropping as she sees a boy bloody tied to a tree. Isaac grabbing Davina and shielding her eyes from it, which the said girl didn't object and just leaned in. "It's him, isn't it?" Isaac ask Scott who just nods,

"Hey, get out of the way! Get back!" Davina perks up at her dads voice, her and stiles both go to walk up to him but he just gives them a look.


The four found Deja who was laying in grass, she claimed she couldn't run anymore.

"You see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac the small group, Isaac wanted it to be the twins. He hated them, more then Deja hated running. Which was a lot.

"Yeah, you mean, like, they had no idea what happened?" Stiles says scoffing, and Isaac quickly objects

"No. No, they knew." Isaac answers quickly, Deja looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Isaac, we can't prove that." Deja said taking stiles side, and stiles nods in agreement.

"See Deja'Marie agrees with me." Isaacs eyebrows knit together at the name, he always thought her name was just Deja.


"That's my birth given name, call me that again and I'll beat your werewolf ass!" Deja snaps at him,

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