14- antidote

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"Nova?" Finn asked me when he heard me gasp. I fell to the floor on my back and looked at him. He saw the dagger sticking out of my side and he turned towards Bellamy. Bellamy saw the dagger too and looked back at the grounder who was getting up.  I felt like dizzy and faint I looked down at my side and blood was bleeding through my shirt. Bellamy and the grounder were fighting, Bellamy gets pinned to the ground and Octavia begs the grounder not to kill Bellamy. I was a little confused but maybe I heard it wrong. Jasper runs over and knocks the grounder out. I look up at the ceiling and Finn drops down beside me, he grabs the dagger but I grabbed his hand, "Don't pull it out." I said vaguely. I could feel the sweat drip off of my face. Bellamy came over and grabbed the dagger, " Finn told him, "she said don't take it out" he let go of the dagger, "we have to get her back to Clarke." Bellamy picked me up off the ground and started walking towards the hole that we came in through. I was in and out of consciousness on the way back to camp.

This next part is in Third person omniscient.
Bellamy walked into the camp holding the unconscious Nova Murphy with a dagger in her side and blood dripping off of her. He rushed her into the dropship, "Clarke!" He yelled. Clarke turned around and realized the situation. Clarke cleared a place on the table and Bellamy laid Nova down. "What happened?" Clarke said as examining her wound, "Grounder attack. She told us not to pull it out." Finn said to Clarke while moving towards Clarke. "She must've know that it was near one of her organs. We need to get this out as soon as possible. Raven have you made contact with the ark?"
Raven responded, " yeah almost got it."
"Octavia I some of montys moonshine to sterilize the wound." Octavia rushed out of the drop ship to retrieve monty's moonshine.

The hurricane started to worsen. Minutes passed and Octavia came back with the moonshine and Clarke poured all over the dagger and the wound. Then Raven finally made contact with the Ark.

Over the radio they had asked for Abby but the council had to ask some other questions first. One question was from chancellor Jaha asking if Wells was alive as well. Clarke sadly responded with a "no he didn't make it." The ark shifted the communication to the medical bay where Dr. Griffin lead Clarke through the operation on nova's motionless body. Clarke moved the knife at the right angle just enough not to scrape one of nova's main organs and cause internal bleeding. The dagger was almost out. Bellamy and Octavia went up stairs to the third floor. The drop ship shook as something from the outside hit it hard. Nova's body flew off the table and Clarke raven and Finn fell to the ground. Finn pulled Novas body back on the table.
They had tied up the grounder they had taken back to camp as a prisoner. They tied the grounder up and was going to start interrogating him about the other grounders. Bellamy whipped the grounder and looked through his bag. In the bag Bellamy found a notebook full of drawings and writings. One drawing was a sister, Octavia. He came across a page with 100 tally marks and 11 marked off. That's how many have died since they had arrived on earth. Down on the first floor with Clarke, Finn, Raven and nova, Clarke finishes up stitching Novas wound after she got the dagger out safely. She heads back to the ladder to the third-floor to see Bellamy. Bellamy asked Clarke, "How's Nova doing?"
"She's fine right now. I got the dagger out and stitched her up. How's the how's this going?" "Clarke we're at war he's been watching us since we arrived." He said.
Raven pops is a hole in the floor, "Clark she seizing!" Clark's eyes widened and rush down the ladder with Raven. She steps off the ladder and he's been standing beside nova shaking body.
"Get her on her side." Clarke tells Finn as she runs over towards the table. Finn turns Novas body on its side and foam comes out of her mouth. She stops seizing and then Clarke realizes that the blade the grounder used must've been poisoned. She grabs the knife and heads up stairs to the next level.
"The knife he stabbed Nova with was poisoned. We need the antidote." Clarke told Bellamy.
He remembered the vials he found while going through the grounders things. He quickly got them out and gave them to Clarke. She laid them in front of the grounder and asked for the antidote. He wouldn't say anything. "Clarke you don't have to be here for this." Bellamy told her. She nodded and stayed put. Bellamy whips the grounder and they try to get him to talk again. He still wouldn't tell Clarke which one was the antidote. They increased the torture. Bellamy put a spike through the grounders hand but he still would not talk. Raven came through the hole after another one of Novas seizures. Raven pulled out some cords from the drop ship and electrocuted the grounder. The grounder screamed in pain. Octavia took the knife with the poison on it and sliced her hand.
"O, what are you doing?" Bellamy asked her.

"He wont let me die. Which one is the antidote?" She asked the grounder and pointed to each vial. The grounder shook his head until they cam across the third vial. He slowly shook his head yes and Octavia quickly grabbed the vial and took a small sip  and handed it to Clarke. Clarke rushed down the stairs to give Nova the antidote. Clarke held Novas head up and put the vial to her lips . Novas body accepted the antidote.

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