04- rescue party

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The chirping of birds woke me up. I rolled over and looked to the side and saw Murphy laying down and I had a blanket over me. I got up and woke him up with a shake.
"Wake up! Murphy get up I think Clarke and the others are getting back today." I shake him awake.
"What?" He says with his eyes barely open.
"Get up!"
I start walking towards the dropship and Murphy follows closely behind.
"What did y'all do to wells?"
"All we did is we took his wristband off. I promise Nova."
We walked up and a girl was refusing to take her wristband off, Murphy grabbed her and held her close to the fire. He looked at me and I gave him a look as if telling him not to kill her. Then wells came over and pushed Murphy off of him.
I look at Murphy who's on the ground and about to pounce on Wells. Wells turns toward Bellamy
"You can stop this." Wells tells Bellamy.
"Why stop it?" He says.
Murphy gets up and starts swing at wells. They both fall on the ground but then Wells gets the high ground and punched Murphy in the face a few times. Murphy's cheeks are bleeding.
"Murphy get up." I whisper under my breath to him.
Murphy pulls out his makeshift knife and starts pointing towards wells.
"Hold on. Fair fight." Bellamy says and lays a knife at wells's feet. Wells picks up the knife.
"This is for my father." Murphy yells and starts to swipe wells with the knife he gets him good on the arm but Wells grabs Murphy and swings him into a position where wells in behind him with the knife to Murphy's throat.
"Wells! Let him go!" Clarke yells as she walks around the bush. Wells drops Murphy and he scrambles over towards me.
"Where's the stuff?" Bellamy asks Clarke.
"And where's Jasper?" I asked.
"Octavia!" Bellamy yells as he sees her limp around the corner.
"We didn't make it to mount weather." Finn says after he hopped down from the fallen tree trunk. Wells looks confused, "Why not?" he says.
"We were attacked."
"By what?" I asked the group.
"Not what, who." Finn responded. "The last man on the ark that died I don't think he was the last grounder." Everyone gasps and start to whisper to each other.
"But where's Jasper?" I ask again.
"They took him."
We're out here alone with no supplies and some maniacs surrounding us. We're never gonna make it.
"We're making a rescue party to get Jasper." No one says anything and then the crowd dispersed.

Later I saw Clarke walking out of the dropship, I ran up to her.
"Hey I'm coming with you to get Jasper."
"Good. we need the Volunteers."
" But I don't think Murphy will let me come so I'm gonna stay here to give y'all a head start then I'll come find you." She nods and I go do my chores and get all of my stuff done.

Later, Finn walks up to me.
"Your Nova right? Murphy's little sister. "
"Um yeah." Technically Murphy is older than me by 6 minutes.
"They told me to start building walls out of fallen trees but I'm gonna go join the rescue party. They look up to you and Murphy so i need you to be in charge here."
"I can't I'm going to join the rescue group. I told Clarke that I was coming later because I don't think Murphy would've let me come. Put atom in charge. I trust him to do what Bellamy said." I told finn.
"Atom wouldn't listen to me though." Finn stated.
"I'll tell atom then we can go join the group."
We parted ways and I headed towards atom.
"Atom, Bellamy told me to tell you that your in charge and that he wants you to get everyone to gather fallen trees and to start making walls around camp with them." After I said it he seemed suspicious. "Why would Bellamy tell you?" He asked because he knew Bellamy and I had it out for each other. "I was the last person he saw before heading out. Don't disappoint him." I headed back towards Finn and we started walking in the direction  the group went in.

We started running to catch up with them and then we saw them from a distance. Bellamy and Clarke were talking and Clarke looked mad. I hopped in between Bellamy and Clarke, " Bellamy leave the poor girl alone." I said facing him.
Murphy's eyes widened, "Nova? What are you doing? Your suppose to be at the camp with the others. Did you come out here all by yourself? That's dangerous, we don't know who's out here." He said in a upset voice.
"Calm down. She was with me."  Finn said as he jumped down beside me.
"Like that's suppose to make some feel better."
"Murphy, look I'm fine. I'm breathing." I moved over by him.
Bellamy stopped me and asked, "then who's in charge at camp?"
Bellamy scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"What's wrong with that?"
"Atom can't handle the pressure."
"Yes he can. The way he made sure I stayed at camp the other night, he takes care of his responsibility." I said backing up Atoms side.
"Why don't we split up? There's obviously a lot of tension in the air." Finn says but he really just wanted to be with Clarke. "Murphy and Bellamy, Wells and Nova, Clarke and I."
"I'm not leaving Nova with the chancellor of Earth."
"I'll be fine." I laugh and start walking off from the group. Wells follows behind me.
"Nova here." Murphy calls up to me and darts a knife into the tree beside me. I grab the knife and keep walking. "Stay within shouting distance." Bellamy yells. Bossy Bellamy.

After a while of walking without any conversation, I get bored and forget who I'm talking to, "I don't care I'm just bored but can we talk about this whole Love triangle between you Clarke and Finn. It's kinda creepy."
" I don't have to talk about it with you."
"Your the one who  wanted to be friends."
"Clarke and I have been best friends but she blames me for her fathers death."
"Well are you responsible?"
"Then why don't you tell her?"
"I would rather her take it out on me."
"Whatever but if you want her to like you, you have to take control or show action, that's what Finns doing. And it's working." Finns not my type of dude but apparently he is everyone else's type. It looks like Wells is taking in my advice. But I really could care less if he even listened. That's how bored I am. I am talking to Wells Jaha.
"Is that what Bellamy is doing. You obviously notice that he's taking control." He really just said that.
"No that's different. Bellamy is just stupid and stubborn. He thinks he's in charge. But he's making everyone else do the dirty work. Like Murphy was the one taking the wristbands off. And who had to physically attack you to take you wrist band off. Not Bellamy I bet. Finn is actually doing things to show that he's in charge."
"Wait you knew they were attacking me?"
"I knew they weren't gonna kill you. If they were gonna kill you I would've done something. Plus I had a babysitter." I say with a small smile on my face.
"Your different than Murphy. Not by much but there is a difference." He says with a mysterious tone in his voice.
"I don't care about what you have to do to survive but killing innocent just isn't  right."
Then a scream rang throughout the woods. A familiar scream. Clarke's scream.

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