Chapter 30: The Bounty Hunter

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Mace Windu and Yoda smiled at the slightly dazed Obi-wan. "A better performance than you, you're corpse gave." Yoda teased him gently as Obi-wan looked mocked outraged. 

"Are you sure? I took the berdium like you said and fell off the roof of a very tall building. I could've killed myself. Plus, I was dead to the world when Anakin moved my body." Obi-wan reminded his superior Masters as Mace Windu looked at the screens.

He tutted and turned back to Obi-wan. "That doesn't matter now. We have to get you ready for your new mission." He gave the wise Jedi a grimace and a sympathetic smile.

Obi-wan returned the grimace as he laid down on the table, droids fussing around him. "So tell me, who am I becoming?" The droids began to fuss and beep, preparing for what comes next.

"Rako Hardeen. He was charged with the murder of his mother as a child. He told the authorities he did it because he was bored." Mace Windu read off a holo-pad as Obi-wan settled himself down.

He tutted. "He sounds like a charming fellow. What do I have to do?" The droids suckers began to whir and the Jedi took a deep breath.

Mace Windu looked at Master Yoda. "After your transformation, we need to find this elusive Bounty Hunter. For now though, you just need a shave." Obi-wan could hear the smirk and slight laugh in the stern Jedi's voice as his hair began to be sucked up by the droids.

Yoda was watching the outside corridor for any Jedi who weren't in on the plan to come along. Particularly Skywalker or Tano. "Like this transformation, I know, you do not. Required it is though, to save the Chancellor. Keep Skywalker on the dark for now, we must." He said it with such fear and importance in his voice the Windu and Kenobi knew how serious this situation was.

Obi-wan didn't have much time to dwell on the ominous message however as at that moment a droid stuck a needle in his neck containing a potion of some sort. His poor body was racked with pain and the reasonable Jedi flailed as his transformation took place. Mace Windu moved to his side and held Kenobi down as the pain subsided. When the man sat up on the medical bed and removed his hands from his face, the man sat there wasn't Obi-wan Kenobi but Rako Hardeen!

The real Rako Hardeen walked into a dirty and dimly lit bar feeling rather superior. Well, anyone would after just killing a Jedi. He'd removed his mask for the entire world to see his face and surprisingly felt no fear over the Jedi if they might come to even the score. As he walked in, some people took notice of the new arrival but many just continued with their conversations. He sat at the bar and grumbled to the bartender. "Give me the most expensive drink you have. Strong." A purple and blue Twi'lek cane and sat down beside him.

She'd clearly grown up or use to these surroundings but the fearless Bounty Hunter wasn't indimated. She reached her hand out and striked his arm while the other hand played with her lekku. "Hey, I haven't seen you here before. You celebrating?" Her voice was slow and sultry and the bartender passed him his drink, also curious to see why someone who was like them was ordering such a lavish drink.

Rako Hardeen downed the drink in one fell swoop. "I am celebrating, to the death of a Jedi! I killed Obi-wan Kenobi!" He turned to the many thugs and crooks in the damp hovel as they cheered loudly. You would be hard pushed to find someone who liked it respected the Jedi down here. The bartender's eyes also lit up as he cheered something about drinks on the house. Rako Hardeen was all set to enjoy his night with a kill under his belt, money in his pocket, free drinks and a fairly attractive Twi'lek with him when a messenger bunny droid came up to him.

"Sir, could you come with me? Someone wants to see you." Reluctantly, he agreed and slumped after the hopping bunny. The droid disappeared into a side room and he followed, only to have the door shut firmly behind him.

A slight panic began to enter his system. "Where are you? What do you want?" He called out to the darkness where he was sure two people were hiding.

A calming yet demanding voice spoke to him. "Am I to understand that you killed the Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi?" Rako Hardeen was scared now for it had just been a job. He didn't want to make any enemies.

Defense took over his fear and confidence pounded through his body. "Yeah! I did! What's it to you? Have you got another job for me?" He bravely took a step forward into the darkness bit decided against it and retreated back into the light.

The same voice gave a slight chuckle at his answer. "No, no, we have nothing we need at the moment. Except perhaps, your clothes?" The man stepped forward and the Bounty Hunter freaked out. Standing before him was himself! He looked just like him but his voice was different. Rako Hardeen started to splutter and shout but another Jedi cane out of the shadows and kept him quiet. "What do we do now?" Obi-wan asked Mace.

He looked disgusted at the squirmy creature beneath him as Mace Windu shuddered. "We keep him here, out cold. However we need this." The stern Hedi pulled a small, spiky sliver ball out of his pocket that looked a lot like a spider. He robot moved near the Bounty Mouth and opened a little hole. Something came out of him and the droid scuttled over to Obi-wan.

Obi-wan looked at his fellow Jedi, the Bounty Hunter and the droid and then back again. "What do I do now?" The robot was looking expectantly at him, as though he should know what to do.

Mace Windu face the transformed Jedi another grimace. "Well, you swallow it." Obi-wan shook his head slightly as if to say 'I knew you would say that' before reluctantly swallowing it. It was a voice changer that would allow Obi-wan to sound exactly like his money-making, counterpart crook. Satisfied that they got what they cane for, the two Jedi left through the back entrance to the pub and returned to the Jedi Temple where Obi-wan's Bounty Hunter journey would begin.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry I updated a day late but I gave Creative Writing Club tomorrow so I wouldn't be able to update tomorrow if I updated yesterday. I know that is confusing but don't worry if you don't understand. I'll update usually though next time and I so believe that we are nearing the end of our second story! Exciting times! Bye, bye.

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