Chapter 9: Promises, Promises

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Ahsoka followed the servant girl into the kitchens and was greeted by fifteen other girls. They all appeared to be from the same town. "Why are you all here?" Ahsoka asked the girl who had bought her in. 

The girl looked downwards and when she spoke her voice cracked. "We were taken from our village. We are the Ming Po people, trusting and kind but also naive and we were betrayed. When the Death Watch came here we helped them loyally but they took us from our homes and made us slaves. We're trapped here." She whispered and shook with fear and Ahsoka felt a wave of anger surge through her. This people were slaves, killers, terrorists and extremists who were brainwashing one of the most important people in her life. Ahsoka didn't care then if she took Lux away kicking and screaming, she would get him away.

Ahsoka put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's okay, we will get out of here. My name is Ahsoka Tano." The girl smiled and wiped her eyes. Ahsoka could see hope lighting up in her eyes and the others.

"My name is Tryla, we're all happy to help you." Ahsoka smiled and nodded. Even if there was the remote chance that she lost Lux then she would save these people from the tryanny of Death Watch.


Bo Katan, Ursa Wren, Pre Vizla, Lux Bonteri and many other members of Death Watch were sat or standing around the main tent. It was dinnertime and Ahsoka, Tryla and the other slaves were serving them. Lux was talking with Pre Vizla about the mission when Ahsoka came over with a bowl of warm soup. "Hungry?" She asked her fiance sweetly. Lux looked eagerly at the tasty food and went to reach for it when Ahsoka pulled the bowl away. "Careful not to choke on your stupidity!" She snapped at him before stalking away, soup in hand.

Pre Vizla was laughing at the frosty interaction. "It seems your woman is settling in fine." They along with the other members were looking at the information Lux had bought them and were comparing it to the information they had obtained before, during and after Dooku had betrayed them. "Well done, Bonteri! Your data from the holo-tracker confirms that Dooku gives many of his holograms from his pretentious palace on Serenno! I very much doubt that he leaves this place on a regular basis so we have plenty of good opportunities to try and kill him. Now, Dooku is a Sith which means he can use the Force but Bo Katan has liberated some weapons we Mandalorians used against the Jedi in the war to win. I think that these will be very useful which makes his Force abilities obsolete. Now to get to Serenno we will-"

"VIZLA!" An elderly man accompanied by two younger men stomped into the tent. The anger on their faces undeniable.

Pre Vizla stood up and opened his arms warmly at the uninvited guests. "Chief Pieter, how wonderful to see you again. How can we help you?" Some Death Watch members sniggered at the statement, sharing a knowing look that filled Ahsoka with dread.

The Chief Pieter pointed an angry and accusatory finger at him and then at the rest of the Mandalorians. "You arrived on our planet uninvited, you took our resources without so much of a thank you and now you have taken our woman to be your slaves! I demand for the good of my people that you leave Carlac immediately and return our woman to us!" He stopped to catch his breath and let his words sink in.

While he had been yelling, Ahsoka and Lux had been making their way towards each other and Lux was now standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. Ahsoka lent back on Lux and sighed, the bowl of soup in her hands warm and her head against Lux's chest. Ahsoka had managed to get them into a corner so no one was paying attention to them and Chief Pieter having a yell distracted the Death Watch members greatly. Ahsoka decided that these little moments of affection were good for getting Lux back and reminding him of who he was.

Pre Vizla smiled at the old man and managed to look very sincere. "Don't worry, Chief, I can tell when we've outstayed our welcome. My crew and I will deliver your woman back to you at first light tomorrow and be gone straight after that. In fact, we'll start packing now." He gestured at Ursa and Bo to start getting the crew into teams and packing up.

Chief Pieter however wasn't quite convinced. "Do you promise? Our woman by first light, gone straight after." Ahsoka wished it wasn't so but she could see it was a trap and wished that the Chief wasn't relenting.

Pre Vizla grinned an evil grin at him. "I promise." Satisfied, the Ming Po people left the Mandalorians alone and went back to the village. Once they were out of earshot, the Death Watch members began to laugh loudly and greatly. The sniggering and the looks had increased and it was clear that the deal would not go through as Chief Pieter and Tryla would want.

Lux however seemed oblivious to the obvious fact that they would go back on their word and whispered to her. "See? Maybe the Death Watch aren't as bad as you make them out to be." He smiled at her with a stupid grin on his face. Lux also appeared to be in a good mood and decided to be bold, taking the spoon from Ahsoka's bowl of soup and gave himself a spoonful. "Mmm, tasty. Did you make it?" Ahsoka gave him nothing more than a weak nod. "Well done 'Soka, you're a very good cook." Lux continued to help himself to get hard work and Ahsoka wished that either he would wake up and see the truth or that she could become illusional like him and enjoy this wintry holiday away from duties and expectations.

The Death Watch did start packing away their resources, laughing all through the night. They all knew what they would do and it filled them with glee to cause chaos and misery. To prove that they were superior. Ahsoka and Lux retreated to bed just before the party properly started and called in on R2's repair area to see how he was. Plenty of the droids had been reassembled by now. "Well done R2, this is a great job! Just in time as well because we will be leaving tomorrow. Come on 'Soka, we need to get a good night sleep." Lux was elated for some reason and it warmed Ahsoka's heart to see him filled with joy after such a miserable time.

"I'll catch up with you in a minute." Ahsoka told him, kissing his cheek. Lux grinned and returned the gesture but on the lips instead. He strolled up through the snow to their tent and R2 beeped rather forlornly. "I know buddy, don't worry, I'll find a way." She bade goodnight to her droid and followed literally in Lux's footsteps.

Lux was waiting for her inside the tent and quickly pulled Ahsoka into a kiss as she entered. "I missed you." Lux told her seriously, pulling her down onto the bed.

Ahsoka gave a small laugh. "You... Just saw me... Silly." She found his hair again and raked her fingers through it.

Lux grinned and rolled them both so that they were lying on their sides, on top of the duvet. "I know but... I love you and I don't want to lose you... You mean the world to me... Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka was extremely touched by the cute romantic things Lux was spouting and knew that she felt the same.

She pressed her forehead against Lux's own and tighten the grip her fingers had on his hair. "That was beautiful Lux. I hope you know that I feel the same." She whispered as she opened her eyes and looked into his sliver grey ones, causing the kissing to cease.

Lux opened his eyes and looked in her sapphire blue ones as well. "I know you do and I'm sorry if I've been a bit off these last few days. I promise that you are my number one priority in everything. Dooku, politics, money, my own health is second compared to making sure that you are well and happy." Ahsoka knew that Lux meant every word but she only wished that she could believe him when he promised her. There was a high chance that it would break but the two reconciled friends smiled lovingly at each other as sleep took a hold of them and they fell asleep, entwined and embraced.

I hope you all liked this chapter, it is rather long. 1500 words! That is a lot of words for me. I wil update soon. Bye, bye.

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