Chapter 27: Love Fruit

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Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Luminara, Obi-wan and the rest of the Jedi Council were sat around the Chambers listening to Anakin give a report on what happened on Serenno. They were listening intently as Anakin got to the part where they saw Dooku and his Sith Master. "Did you see who it was?" Mace Windu asked him, extremely serious. Anakin looked at Obi-wan who gave him a gentle smile. Both of them wished that they had seen who was under the cloak but they had no idea. Of course Anakin and Obi-wan had tried really hard to sense who that person was through the Force but the Sith Lord knew how to hide from them. Mace Windu coughed to get his attention again. "Skywalker."

Anakin jumped. "No, Master, no, we haven't figured out who the Sith Lord is yet. However whoever they are, they're very strong with the Force. When Ahsoka turned to the Dark Side he and Dooku were trapped by the Force and while Dooku was panicking; his Master seemed to be smiling or happy at least. We think that they were hoping to absorb some of the power that she was emitting. Ahsoka was out of control so she couldn't have had any choice in it but when she went back to the Light Side they disappeared. We have no traces of them." Anakin bowed respectfully at his superiors as they looked at each other, silently debating what they had just received.

Master Yoda then turned to look at Anakin with a genuine smile. "Thank you, Skywalker. Much appreciated, your help is. To your men, go. Prepare for the next mission, you must." With a wave of his hand, Yoda dismissed the young knight as he went in search of his loyal soldiers.


Ahsoka was standing on a glass balcony overlooking the sunset on the healthcare district of Coruscant. Lux had allowed himself a couple of weeks to be on Coruscant while the both recover from the past ordeals of the last few weeks. Ahsoka sensed something coming at her through the Force and reached out her hand to catch the unpeeled orange Lux had thrown at her. "Anything interesting? People go to hospitals with weird aliments." The Senator came up behind her with a smile and placed a hand on her back.

Ahsoka turned to him with a grin as she took a segment out of the orange. "I haven't really been watching the hospital. I've been more looking- Wow! This is amazing! Where did you get it?!" Ahsoka's eyes were wide with pleasure as she took another segment out of the delicious fruit. Lux laughed as juice spilled out her mouth and Ahsoka looked at the fruit like it was from another world.

Not wanting her clothes to get stained or good fruit juice to go to waste, Lux leaned forward and licked her chin. Ahsoka suddenly felt the wet tongue stroke her chin and gasped. She hadn't expected that as Lux continued to chuckle. Lux moved his hands down so they pressed into her waist to stop her from wriggling as the couple lent against the railings. His tongue began to climb up the juice trail closer to her mouth until Ahsoka dropped her hand down to remove the fruit from her lips as Lux stopped licking her and began kissing her. The inside of her mouth was warm yet tasted citrusy from the fruit. Her tongue played with his own as they battled for dominance which the fiery Togruta won.

Their tongues wrapped around each other and untangled themselves again and again. Ahsoka had never gotten tired of being in this situation and she had experienced how Lux's technique had gotten better. Although he had been her first kiss and she'd grown up on the Jedi Temple so Lux had seemed great to her then as well. He bit her lip and pulled a moan from her lips as her fingers buried into his hair. Unfortunately, the two teens soon found themselves running out of air and their lungs needed them to break apart. Lux and Ahsoka were persistent though and continued to kiss as their lungs burned and screamed for oxygen. Eventually they broke apart for the only alternative was to both faint and hope to not die from falling off the balcony.

Ahsoka felt a blush spread over her cheeks like wildfire and she had to turn get gaze away from Lux. This was one of the times she wished that Togruta were born with hair instead of lekku and monstrals so that she could hide behind it. Lux had a way of doing that to her and it was very annoying for Ahsoka that a rich Senator could turn her into a blushing, panting, mess. "That was... Good. Yes, that was... Very good." Ahsoka tried to say as she caught her breath. Lux gave her a cute little smile and turned her head so that she looked him in the eye. "What... What was in that fruit? What even was that fruit!?" She asked him as she breath returned and she remembered the meddlesome fruit that had been the catalyst for that impromptu make-out session.

Lux took her hand in his and broke two segments off for each other and begun to feed her. "It's a varient of orange that I found in the market a couple of streets over. The vendor who was selling them said they came from Lothal and had been infused with special seeds and petals of a unique flower. The flower is said to change to the eye colour of your true love. Anyway, some botanists a long time ago decided that it would be a good idea to fuse the properties of this flower with a fruit that could be considered romantic." Lux stopped to feed Ahsoka more orange segments as she thought it over.

She frowned as the answer didn't come to her straight away. "Why an orange? Surely a Jogan fruit or a meilooran would be much more romantic? Come on, tell me the answer." Ahsoka pleaded with her withholding lover as he grinned at her.

"What am I doing now 'Soka? This would've been extremely intimate back in those times. Now it can be seen as rather cute. They decided that this would've been the perfect fruit and begun their infusion. This makes the fruit segments taste like the three most favourite flavours that could relate to the person the eater loves most. For example," Lux pulled the last segment of the orange off and grinned. "I taste blueberries, meiloorans and cinnamon." He smiled at Ahsoka but she just frowned.

"I'm not so sure. How do those flavours relate to me?" She folded her arms over each other as a breeze rustled past and she shivered.

Lux picked up on this change in temperature and put an arm around her, gently walking together into the warmth of the inside. A roaring fireplace was a-light and the Togruta and Onderonian sat down together in front of it. "The blueberries relate to the gorgeous colour of your eyes which constantly captivate me. The meiloorans are often orange or red signify your skin colour that I think is beautiful and makes you stand out. Finally, the cinnamon makes me think of the warmth and passion you have in your heart. It's actually really accurate." Lux saw how the little things that he thought made Ahsoka who she was were correct and she was smiling. Ahsoka was touched that Lux thought about her that much. Filled with love and warmth, they came closer together again and kissed once more.

Yippee! I can say that I have updated on time this time! Once again, I apologise for being so unpredictable with my updating schedule. I really do try to stick to it. I am also sorry of the fruit doesn't sound very Star Warsy but the only fruit I could think of was Jogan fruit or Meiloorans but that didn't seem very romantic. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I thought it was fun to write. I'll update on time, never fear. Bye, bye.

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