Chapter 6: Infiltrating

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Two rotations later, Ahsoka and R2 were leaving hyperspace and entering Carlac's orbit. "Okay R2, here we are. Lux should be down there somewhere with his new mysterious revenge friends. Where to start, though? R2 take the wheel, I'm going to meditate." R2 grumbled at her because he was still annoyed at Ahsoka for droid napping him but didn't want the ship to crash. He plugged himself into the ship's system and R2 guided them down to the planet's surface.

Meanwhile Ahsoka walked into the quarters on the ship and sat down in a cross-legged position. Closing her eyes Ahsoka found that immense peace within herself which allowed her to connect stronger with the Force. Focusing on Lux's Force signature, Ahsoka closed her eyes and could see what her friend was seeing through his eyes: A snow covered camp surrounded him on all sides, blaster fire echoed from the distance and was accompanied by screaming droids. People in blue, black armour strolled around carrying weaponry and assorted explosives wearing Mandalorian helmets. Death Watch. Terrorists who despised the Jedi and Dooku. Ahsoka felt like a fool for not realising it sooner. Lux was walking towards a smaller tent on the outskirts of the camp where a group of Death Watch members were talking and greeted Lux warmly.

Ahsoka's vision ended there as she pulled away from his mind and a strange feeling overtook her body. These people treated Lux like family which is exactly what he wanted and needed. To top off the deal they hated Dooku as well and would be more than happy to end his sad, miserable life. Ahsoka walked into the cockpit and spoke to R2 as he flew them safely and swifty towards their destination. "R2, take us down to the central south-west. There is a Death Watch camp there were Lux is staying. They must have been the people whom he was referring to that would support Lux in his cause." R2 beeped in acknowledgement of her request and directed them down a few miles away from their target.

Lux was enjoying his time with Death Watch and was extremely pleased that they shared his passionate hatred against Dooku. Even thinking about him caused a flood of fury to flow through Lux and he had to take a moment to calm down. In all honesty he had expected Ahsoka to appear by now and try to persuade him to change his mind. After she'd beaten the hell outta him for leaving her vulnerable in a escape pod and going back on his word. Lux had felt immensely guilty for doing that to her but Ahsoka didn't understand why Lux needed to do this and it was better for both of them to be away from each other.

Carlac was a very beautiful planet with a winter wonderland picturesque scenery. There was also a little village a few miles down from their camp that Pre Vizla- who was their leader- had told him had been kind enough to them and allowed them to stay using their resources. There was some exotic fauna here like ice fox cubs and crystal bats with splendid flora like flaming foxglove and snowflake berries. Lux had always had an interest in botany so these new and exciting planets intrigued him greatly. In fact, Lux had collected a bouquet of these flaming foxglove flowers to give to Ahsoka should she choose to show up. It was complicated as part of Lux wanted Ahsoka to stay away so that his plan goes off without a hitch but the other part of him wanted her to arrive so he could apologise to her.

Lux's daydreams were cut short by a member only a few years older than him running up to Pre Vizla and clearly out of breath. "Sir! A Republic ship has just landed about seven miles from here. Should we send in an attack force?" This particular soldier was only a few years older than Lux but was always eager for a fight.

Pre Vizla strolled out of his tent and dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "No, not an attack force however we will send out a couple of troops to assess the situation. Bonteri, Wren, go and search the location for any unwanted visitors." Lux and an older woman perhaps slightly younger than his mother nodded and after prepping a speeder, they were off!

Ahsoka and R2 were exiting the ship after a pretty successful landing, completely unaware of the threat that was aware of them. Ahsoka had wrapped herself up in a light brown coat with soft white fur trims to keep her warm with the hood up. Looking around Ahsoka took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the planet and had to compliment the Death Watch on their choice of base. However the cold was ever present and trying its hardest to penetrate her thick coat. "Come on R2, we need to keep moving otherwise we will both freeze." Together droid and Jedi began trekking through the snow when Ahsoka's monstrals picked up on the sound of an approaching speeder. "R2, take cover! We're about to have some company." Ahsoka warned her companion and they ducked behind the closest tree. Looking over the tree branches Ahsoka saw the speeder come near the ship and noticed the people on it: The driver was a woman with golden armour and light black hair in a plait who was of a similar age to Padme and her passenger was Lux.

Ahsoka heard herself gasp and duck as they turned to look at her location. "What was that?" The woman snapped. "Bonteri, get off and go look over there. Vizla won't want any enemies to get near the camp." Ahsoka groaned inwardly as it seemed that the universe was against her and pressed herself against the tree as the engine stopped. She had expected Lux to have given and received information to and from Death Watch but she hadn't been preparing herself for the reality that Lux- her Lux- was a fully fledged member going on assignments. Ahsoka could hear Lux's footsteps crunching in the snow and took a deep breath, either she would have to fight her best friend or be captured. Neither of those options seemed desirable.

Lux crept towards the tree where the gasp had come from and prepared his blaster. He hoped with all his might that it wasn't Ahsoka here. He spun around the tree and aimed his blaster and saw it press against an orange forehand with white facial markings on it only to be greeted with two inactive lightsabers pressed directly into his face. Ahsoka. R2 was there as well but both teenagers were transfixed by seeing each other again so he grabbed them both and pulled then behind a thicker tree. Neither continued to speak and when Ursa Wren called out to Lux they both jumped. "Bonteri, have you found anything?" It sounded as though she was approaching them do they had to come up with a plan, quickly.

Ahsoka broke out of the trance first and nodded her head. Lux understood and grabbed her wrist with surprising strength. "Two intruders. A Togruta and her droid, they don't appear to have any weapons on them." Lux pulled Ahsoka and R2 out and she pretended to struggle. Ursa nodded, pleased they had completed their mission and motioned for all three of them to come with her. Ahsoka sighed and looked up at Lux as he gave her a small smile. They were going to Death Watch...

I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter. I will probably update soon. Bye, bye.

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