Chapter 16: Family Lost, Family Found

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Ahsoka, Lux, R2 and their new droid friend were out of their icy prison and resting in the shade of some trees. R2 was scanning the area for any Death Watch members but their new friend EEK-411213 or Eek as Lux had nicknamed him was signalling his owner. Eek informed them that his owner and his wife were coming from Onderon and would be there within two hours. Lux and Ahsoka were surprised. "Really? I'm Onderonian myself, I wonder if I know them?" Lux wondered while Ahsoka traced his jawline. "'Soka? What are you doing?" Lux laughed at her gently.

Ahsoka blushed as she hadn't really been thinking about what she was doing. "Just playing. Eek, how did you end up here on Carlac?" Ahsoka looked over at the droid as he dropped his head and scuffed the snow with his leg.

"My owners and I were searching for a renegade Mandalorian group known as Death Watch. They had gotten information that a family member was in danger from them and wanted to stop them. Once we got here, Death Watch began firing at us and I fell into an ejecting escape pod. My owners retreated, promising that they would return. I've been waiting seven rotations." Eek looked very hopeless all of a sudden but perked up when R2 made consoling beeps. Ahsoka was surprised that two owners of these droid who loved them dearly wouldn't come looking for him sooner.

Lux looked over at Ahsoka and kissed her. "It's okay, they're coming now. We will get off this frozen rock. Do you know who the relative was?" Lux was rather curious about this Onderonian couple.

Eek nodded. "A nephew of my Master. He and the Mistress were unaware that he existed until his brother was killed in action eighteen months ago. Since then, they have been trying to get in touch with his family but to no avail." Suddenly, Eek's antenna shot up and began to emit a signal. "My owners have arrived! Look up to the North-West." The trio followed his instructions and sure enough, a ship was closing in on their location. It was an Onderonian military grade frigate. Their was a symbol painted on the outside of the hull. A silver hexagon with a tall, twisty swirl in the centre. It looked familiar to Ahsoka but she couldn't put her finger on where she had seen it.

Lux had gone rather still against her but Eek was so happy to see the sight of his owners that she didn't have time to question it. The ship landed and Ahsoka realised that it also had the Republic insignia on the ramp. That confused Ahsoka as she was more than certain that Onderon was under Separatist control. The ramp lowered and Eek moved quickly up it to greet his family. Inside, the two teens heard a woman laughing and a man welcoming him back. Then the couple came outside to look at who had helped to rescue their droid and stopped short when they saw them. "Who are you? What's your name?" The man spoke with a thick accent that Ahsoka hadn't heard before. It sounded like Lux but ten times more Onderonian. He had a bandana holding his hair back and they could see a thick beard on his face and a scar running the length of it. An eyepatch covered his left eye and his clothes were covered in dirt but he only had one hand. He was wearing black armoured chest and leg pieces with black boots and a belt holding two blasters on his hips. Once he was probably a soldier but now fighting had gotten the better of him.

Lux was like a deer in headlights so Ahsoka spoke for them. "My name is Ahsoka Tano. This is my droid R2-D2 and my friend Lux Bonteri." The man froze at Lux's name as his wife appeared beside him.

She was a beautiful woman with waist-long lekku and two meter long monstrals. Her skin was a dusty red colour and her facial markings were more defined and longer than Ahsoka's were. She was wearing a green sari with golden trimmings and blue strips along the side. There was a dark green flower pattern on the sari and she was wearing a pair of orange high heels. She was elegance, class and beauty while he was a former soldier, used to living rough and fighting till his last breath. A very different couple but they clearly loved each other. "It is very nice to meet you dear, my name is Cehla and this is my husband Lor... Bonteri."

There was a stunned silence that followed and Ahsoka looked over to Lux and then back at Lor. Their resemblance was remarkable and it was clear that they were related. Ahsoka also realised why their symbol looked familiar and that was because it was the same symbol on Lux's hat. The Bonteri crest. Lor was the first to speak. "You look just like Luthor. It's uncanny really, I thought for a moment that you were his ghost. He was my younger brother and I'm devastated that he is gone. My biggest regret however was that I wasn't there for you and the rest of your family. I also heard about your Mother and sister, kid, I'm infinitely sorry." Lor wiped his eyes and held his arms open for a hug which Lux was happy to oblige to. He had believed that only Ahsoka cared for him but it seemed as though now that wasn't the case anymore.

Ahsoka was also extremely happy for Lux that he had found his family even if it had been through terrorists and death of a loved one. Death in many ways was a blessing for people: For the dying it is rest and peace from a world of chaos and a body in pain. It also can bring those remaining closer together and reunite over those we love.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. However I do know that it is short but it is important. So Lux has an uncle and aunt which he never knew about. That's pretty cool! There will be one update on the day I go back to school on Thursday. Waaa! Bye, bye.

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