Chapter 5: Frustration

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Ahsoka woke up hours later in space only a few miles from Coruscant. She felt rather refreshed despite her current predicament. "Lux? Lux!" She mumbled into the near empty escape pod but was merely greeted with the concerned beeps of R2. "Hey buddy, where are we? Where's Lux?" Ahsoka didn't like this: Lux was no where to be found, she and R2 were in an uncontrollable situation and one of her closest friends were on a destructive path leading to death; fuelled by revenge and grief.

Suddenly the communications antenna started flashing. They were being hailed. "Yes, hello, how can we help you?" Ahsoka asked, hoping that the people on the other end were nice.

"I was about to ask you the same question Snips! What in the name of the Force happened out there?! Is Bonteri with you?" Ahsoka groaned as she knew that Anakin wouldn't like this story in any way.

She gave a nervous laugh before replying. "Well you see, Lux didn't want to go to Coruscant and instead wished to go to the Prefsbelt Sector. We had a bit of an argument and-" R2 interrupted her and told Anakin what happened in a view that made what actually happened seem hundred times worse. "R2! That is so not what happened Master, I swear!"

Her protests were met with cold silence as Ahsoka heard her Master barking orders at the 501st. "Rex! Find out what planets are in the Prefsbelt Sector. Hawk! Get a shuttle up there now to bring my droid and Padawan in! Ahsoka hang tight, we be there shortly." Anakin was in commander mode now and very little could be done to get him out of it.

Ahsoka was slightly stunned because her Master seemed to be disregarding the fact that one of her close friends were in danger associating with potential terrorists in an attempt to get revenge on a very powerful Sith Lord. Lux could be in real danger, she didn't have time to be lectured by the Council and babysat by Anakin and the 501st. "Master! What about Lux? We have to help him, he needs us." R2 beeped something at her and Ahsoka nearly lost it. "Really R2?! I had no idea! I was there, remember, I know Lux went back on his word but that is no reason for us- me- to turn away from him." She would have continued her rant but was interrupted by Anakin's own lecture.

"R2 is right Snips, I know he means a lot to you but he has chosen his path, away from you. I think you're better off without him personally, I didn't like the look of him. Plus, he abandoned you in a escape pod where anything could've happened to you. I swear, if I ever see him in person again, he and I are going to have some aggressive negotiations." Ahsoka knew all to well what that meant and suspected that if that happened then Lux would leave with a few broken bones. "It was a very stupid plan actually, but you tried to make him see reason and he pushed you away. Mr. Bonteri has sealed his fate unfortunately Snips."

At that comment Ahsoka exploded and crossed a line that she should've never crossed. "LUX IS AVENGING HIS MOTHER! HE WANTS TO KILL DOOKU FOR WHAT HE DID! I KNOW YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS! YOU'VE DONE THE SAME THING! SO SHUT UP AND LET'S FIGURE OUT A WAY TO HELP LUX BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" Ahsoka stopped to catch her breath and the guilt of what she'd said washed over her in waves. There was a deafening silence that followed and only the sound of his breathing told Ahsoka that her Master was still alive. "Master, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Anakin spoke to her with an icy coldness in his voice that could've frozen the lava lakes of Mustafar and terrified her to her core. "Return to the Jedi Temple where we shall continue this conversation. Lux Bonteri is dead, accept it. I will see you later Padawan Tano." There was a hurt and anger in his voice from her yells that filled Ahsoka with shame and guilt as the communications ended but she couldn't turn away from Lux now.

A shuttle piloted by Hawk came up alongside her and R2 a few minutes later and the escape pod was attached. Ahsoka had been formulating a plan to get to Lux and only hoped that Hawk wasn't fighting fit at the moment. Ahsoka hadn't shared her plan with R2 as she was still mad at him but hoped that he would cooperate with her. Once inside the ship, Ahsoka came into the cockpit and stood behind Hawk. With a quick side punch to the head and kick to the stomach, the loyal yet unsuspecting pilot was out cold. Ahsoka then took the liberty to put Hawk in the escape pod with the coordinates and activate the thrusters so that he landed back on Coruscant safety. R2 suddenly came rolling in, making a lot of noise as he worked out what was going on. "R2 calm down, I will return to Anakin and the rest of the Jedi once Lux is safe on a planet of his choosing. Now, I might need you so are you in or out?" Ahsoka asked him and reluctantly R2 agreed. Ahsoka smiled and patted him on his head, happy that someone was on her side.

Still, an anger was rising inside her as she took control of the ship and plotted hyperspace routes that Lux's plight seemed to be being ignored by those who could do more help. The Republic had let him down years ago when his sister died and now the Separatists had taken his mother from him. It wasn't fair! Just like Lux said, Ahsoka realised, and despite everything he had done against her; she wouldn't leave Lux to be killed in an ill-advised revenge plan. The Jedi were Peace-keepers who helped those in need and that is what Ahsoka would do. Without a moment of hesitation, Ahsoka pressed the button to send them into hyperspace and towards her lost friend.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm back from holiday like I said so it shall be regular update times. This chapter is probably the shortest one but I was running out of ideas for this chapter without interfering with the next one so apologies if you didn't like it as much as the other chapters. I'll try and update soon, bye bye.

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