Chapter 3: Rescue

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I have an announcement of the highest level: Raxus- A Luxsoka Fanfic has reached over 1000 reads!!!! Yay! I can't believe it! This will be the last reader update I give for Raxus and from now on they shall be all to do with Carlac. Thank you to all my loyal readers, now on with the story!

Ahsoka ran with all her might through the Mandalorian palace, trying to follow the path the droids had taken Lux. She eventually managed to reach the Separatist area for the Senators where a squad of droids were stationed; completely ready to fire on an enemy. It was clear to the young Togruta that the peace talks were never going to succeed and it would only power that hatred between the two sides. Ahsoka managed to catch a glimpse of Lux as he struggled up the ramp and into a lift where death would surely be waiting for him. Quickly, she ran along the side of the ramp, hidden from the droids view and when the lift closed Ahsoka leaped up and attached herself to the roof coverings above the door to the lift. Unfortunately Lux had been taken inside now and it would still be a few minutes until Ahsoka could reach him, she only hoped that she could get there in time...

Lux was pulled inside a dark room with computers running the width of both walls. There were no windows or com link channels which meant that there was no connection to the outside world. However Lux had two devices with him: a holo-tracker and an electroshock charge. One was to find Dooku the other was to take care of the droids."This really feels like a killing me kind of room." Lux thought bitterly in his head but was quickly distracted by the hologram that he was forced to kneel before: Count Dooku.

The Count didn't even have the decency to turn around and face Lux. "I hear that you have been saying some rather incriminating things about me. All untrue of course but still, Boy, you have hurt my feelings and I don't like that." By now Dooku had turned to face Lux ever so slightly and his voice made his intentions very clear.

Lux didn't care about the imminent death threat he had received and his anger flowed through his voice and into the air. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER! I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOU PAY!" Lux yelled at the hologram and had to be restrained by the droids.

Dooku sighed in annoyance as though Lux was an ugly slug he had found on his shoe. "Really?! I don't remember and I only remember things that are of significance or importance to me. Your Mother's death must've slipped my mind." Lux was furious now but he knew that the holo-tracker device on his wrist was ready so it was worth it. "Still, you are a loose end and a nuisance. Droids, execute him." Lux was suddenly shocked back to reality by Dooku's statement as he disappeared and the droids beside him started to charge their weapons, ready to fire. Lux was also ready and started to prepare his electroshock charge which would short circuit the deadly droids.

Suddenly at that moment the door to the lift opened and Ahsoka Tano stood ready for battle. Lux couldn't help but let a smile etch itself onto his face as he saw her face again. While he had taken a few seconds to remind himself of her, it was very nice for him to see her once more closer. Her fists were held up in a fighting position and there was a fire in her eyes when she looked at the Commando droids circling him. "Ahsoka?!" Lux grinned as she proceeded to smash the droids to pieces with quick, powerful punches and high, rapid kicks.

Within seconds the droids were little more than scrap metal and Ahsoka jumped over to Lux. "Come on, we have to go!" She told him and Lux could see the military commander in her. She possessed the same authority that his Father had. Ahsoka gave Lux a small smile and held her hand out for him to take. Lux grinned again and happily took her hand before gasping as she pulled him quickly into the lift. One might expect the two of them to take this moment of peace to catch up after months of not communicating however the lift ride was short and frankly neither teen knew what to say. Pretty quickly the lift opened and both Jedi and Senator assumed a fighting stance as a fair amount of Commando droids waited for them. Ahsoka looked over her shoulder to check on Lux before she ran full throttle at the closest droid and swiftly took him out. Ahsoka was cutting through these Separatist pawns with ease but any gadgets Lux had on him would be useless in this situation so he started to run to the palace. In some ways he was clearing a path for Ahsoka to their destination but in other ways just running cowardly to cover. Ahsoka caught up to him and together they raced through the corridors to the landing pad where a shuttle would be waiting for them. Lux was suddenly reminded of the plan he was here to accomplish and knew he had to get away from Ahsoka, however reluctantly. "Ahsoka, I appreciate the help-" He began.

"Keep moving!" She barked at him as he tripped over his feet ducking blaster fire around the corner. Ahsoka however kept perfect balance and raced to the outside where a shuttle was docked. "Guards, we have droids on our tail! R2 prepare the ship!" Ahsoka ordered them and almost made it to the shuttle. There was a bomb hidden inside the ship and it exploded when R2 rolled over the pressure plate. Thankfully he was still intact but blown away, crashing into a wall. Ahsoka was pushed to her feet and landed on the ground by Lux's feet.

He quickly bent down to help her up as the guards held back the ever encroaching Commando droids. "Are you okay? I've got another ship a few blocks over. We can use that. R2 come on, follow us." Lux took Ahsoka's hand in his and led all of them along dark but small alleyways where they could easily reach his ship. Ahsoka didn't mind this change of plan as she was just grateful for Lux having an alternative means of leaving.

Eventually they saw the docking port come into view with Lux's ship on it. It was smaller than the Senator's ship but it had an air of luxury, quality and comfort to it. Now R2 took the lead and raced up the ramp to prepare the ship for flying, activating the engines. Ahsoka and Lux ran as fast as they could to the ramp only to be hindered by droid fire from behind. Ahsoka broke her handhold with Lux and activated her lightsabers to deflect the blaster fire at them back. Lux managed to get onto the ship and called out to Ahsoka. "Ahsoka, we need to leave. NOW!" She nodded briefly over her shoulder and broke into a run with a speed not achievable by humans, tapping into her Togrutan blood. R2 lifted the ship into the air and started moving away and up into space. Lux was about to go and see what that astromech was playing at when Ahsoka used the Force to give her a boost and jumped the increasing gap between her and the ship.

She managed to make it into the closing ramp but the extra momentum and poorly aimed angle of her jump caused her to crash directly into Lux! As the ramp closed firmly behind them, Ahsoka and Lux became a messy heap of limbs and rolled about on the floor for a moment due to R2's erratic flying. Eventually they stopped and found themselves lying with Ahsoka on top of him, hands in his hair and straddling him with Lux beneath her and his hands wrapped tightly around her waist. After the initial shock had passed both Togruta and Human looked each other in the eye and smiled. It was nice to be together again. Lux laughed. "So how have you been?" Ahsoka laughed, rolled her eyes and clumped him on the head.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it. I'll probably update on Sunday but then I can't be sure as I'm going away for a week. I'll try and update but the chances are that I won't be able to. I'll be back on Friday and update probably Saturday. Bye, bye.

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