Chapter 7: Betrothed

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Lux and Ursa Wren took Ahsoka and R2 back to the Death Watch camp where hostile Mandalorians were watching them intently. Ahsoka took a slight step backwards and her heeled boot stamped on Lux's foot causing him to wince. Ahsoka smiled to herself but her smile turned into a grimace as Lux gripped her arm tighter in retaliation. Any romance that had sparked between them at the tree had since fizzled out as they remembered what had happened in Lux's ship. R2 was being pulled alongside them, whimpering at the sight of poor droids being cruelly used for target practice. Lux released Ahsoka's arm slightly and allowed her to pat R2's head. "'Soka, you shouldn't have come here. Why have you come here?" Lux whispered against her monstral. Ahsoka could feel his breath against her and it tickled however she had a plan and didn't want anything to get in her way.

She slightly turned her head to speak with him. "I don't listen to betraying word-takebackers who are consumed by grief and throw all shreds of kindness and compassion back in my face! Lux, listen, I know these people, they're terrorists! They don't care about others or how they get what they want. Do you really want to be like them? Hurting innocents for no reason? Killing Dooku with them makes you no better than him!" Ahsoka's voice had risen to more than a whisper and R2 was nudging her to be quiet. Lux also didn't seem to be aware of her rising temper and could only look ashamed as all the things she accused him of were true. 

Lux ran his thumb over hers and spoke. "I'm sorry about what happened on the ship, truly, but Dooku killed my mother indirectly, carelessly and through fear. His death is going to be direct, carefully planned out and out of revenge. My mother deserves justice." Ahsoka could feel the passion behind Lux's words but before she could continue the conversation Pre Vizla came out of his tent and called out to them.

"Ah, Wren, Bonteri, it appears that your mission was a success. Bring the spy and her droid into my tent, I wish to know more about our exotic guest." Pre Vizla spoke with authority and even though Ahsoka was a bad actress she did fight against Lux as he bought her forward. She wasn't a spy but she didn't want to be parted from Lux before she could give him some proper reasoning.

Inside the tent it was clear that Vizla was the leader as his furniture was of the highest quality and it was the warmest tent by far. He directed R2 into the corner where he could be observed at all times however Ahsoka was bought to her knees and tied up, facing the Mandalorian terrorists. Lux stood to the side near R2. "Right then, let's get down to business. Who are you?" Vizla asked Ahsoka as he sat down while Bo Katan stood watching her.

Ahsoka knew better than to give her real name so quickly came up with a new identity. "My name is Ashla Crest. My droid and I are smugglers who heard of some treasure near here and decided to see if we could get some credits from it. We didn't mean to interrupt your operations." Ahsoka waited for another question but Ursa Wren spoiled it by speaking out.

"Sir, she is lying. Her ship was a military grade Republic shuttle. She is a spy, maybe even for the Jedi." Outraged occurred at that statement and Lux felt a fear for Ahsoka's life grip him in a terrible vice.

Pre Vizla managed to calm his people down and turned back to Ahsoka. His voice was quiet and she could see a madness in his eyes. "Are you a spy for the Jedi?" It was a simple question but Ahsoka knew that the wrong answer could end her life. She shook her head but Pre Vizla became enraged and grabbed her by the neck. Ahsoka began to struggle greatly and Lux started to make his way towards her. "LIAR! HOW DID YOU COME INTO POSSESSION OF THAT SHIP THEN?!" Their leader was crazy now but the rest of Death Watch could do little more than watch as he shook the struggling Togruta.

Ahsoka then did the worst possible thing that she could do. In a moment of panic, instinct overtook logic and afterwards Ahsoka would wish to go back in time and cut her tongue off. Gasping, she managed to get some words out. "Lux! Help me!" There were sudden gasps from younger members and the strangulation instantly stopped. Ahsoka took a few deep breaths to get oxygen back to her lungs and the realisation of what she had just done crashed down on her with a jolt. Daring a glance at Lux, Ahsoka was surprised by how close he had been to stopping his new leader but now her best friend was frozen still with his mouth hung open slightly as other members glared at him.

Bo Katan was the first to recover from the shock. "What did you say? Bonteri, do you know her?" Neither one knew what to say but they both knew they were in deep trouble now.

Lux began to shake his head but Pre Vizla was too smart and fast for him to finish. "Another lie, however I do believe this female is more important than we realised. Woman, I'll ask you again: Who are you?" Ahsoka was silent for a moment before another ridiculous thought entered her head.

Glancing at Lux, she told him with her eyes to trust her and Ahsoka cleared her throat. "My name is Hara Zelo. Lux is my betrothed." Ahsoka didn't dare to glance at Lux but R2 did and decided to record the expression on the young Senator's face: A mix of disbelief, confusion, exasperation, shock and slight awe at her audacity. There was no way in Lux's mind that this plan would work.

The Death Watch members looked at each other unsure but Ahsoka nudged Lux to speak and after a high-pitched squeak and throat clearing he managed to nod and agree. "Yes, Hara is my fiance. Although I didn't intend for her to be here."

"Where's the ring?" Bo Katan asked, a little hostile. She clearly wasn't buying it as much as Ursa or Vizla.

Ahsoka had a plan for this and held her hands behind her back. Using the Force, Ahsoka pulled the ring from Lux's finger onto her ring finger and held it out for the Mandalorians to see. Nodding, all of the people present seemed to buy it and Lux was grateful Ahsoka was safe. Pre Vizla then changed his mood and acted all charming towards her. "Miss Zelo, my deepest apologies for my terrible behaviour. I'm just very protective of my group. I must say your fiance has been very helpful to us over these last few days." He patted Lux on the back and he gave an embarrassed smile.

Ahsoka also smiled and Lux instantly knew that he wouldn't like whatever she said next. "Well I'm pleased to hear that. Next time though, Luxy, I'd appreciate it if you told me what you were up to. Also, the next time your new boss is strangulating me, perhaps you could do something about it. Just a thought for later." There was a sourness to the sweet voice Ahsoka had on and it slightly scared Lux.

Vizla gave an awkward laugh and smiled at her. "Yes, yes, I am sorry about that. Boy!" He called over the nervous but fight-ready soldier that told him about Ahsoka's ship towards him. "I want to make our new guest feel comfortable. Please supervise the woman as they prepare a new bed for Bonteri and his fiance to share tonight." The soldier nodded and raced out of the tent to fulfill those orders while Ahsoka and Lux snapped to attention and opened and closed their mouths in shock but couldn't make a sound. Looking at each other, a sudden blush engulfed Ahsoka causing her lekku to darken to black and turn away from her supposed lover.

Nodding and smiling at the Mandalorians surrounding them, Ahsoka and Lux were guided to their shared tent which both of them had to admit was up to a great standard. The sun was setting now but although Ahsoka and Lux knew that they had to talk, both teens were exhausted so silently they crawled into the big bed and pulled the duvet over them. They only took off their shoes and mumbled a good night to each other before they fell fast asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I was looking forward to writing it. I'll update soon as you know. Bye, bye.

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