Chapter 20: Don't Worry, We'll See Each Other Again

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Lux finished kissing Ahsoka, smiling, despite the fact that he hated had to leave her. Lux knew that they would probably be parted after today when Ahsoka returned to the Jedi Temple or he returned to Mandalore. He wasn't sure which one was closer but Lux was consumed by these regretful thoughts as he walked into the cockpit so he didn't see his Uncle downing a bottle of Parkellan Sling. It was an alcoholic drink only available to humans because of the ingredients that could be very dangerous to many species such as Rodian, Mirialan, Twi'lek, Togruta, Tholothian and Nautolan. 

"Hey kid, figured out where you're going yet?" Lor asked, a slight slur to his voice. He hid the bottle under his seat just before Lux looked at him. 

Lux however was looking around the cockpit for his aunt whom he thought would be here. "Where's Aunt Cehla? I thought that she came to tell you where I wanted to go." There was no other way out of the cockpit so Ahsoka and Lux would have seen her leaving.

Lor rolled his eyes and sighed. "Well obviously, she didn't! Either that or I've forgotten! But that's in the past, along with my outburst, right pal? Where would you like to go?" He patted the seat beside him and Lux cautiously sat down. Lux knew that his uncle wasn't a bad man and that his anger came from a reasonable source. He too had felt cheated and angry at the Jedi and the Republic for what happened to his Father but Ahsoka wasn't solely responsible for that. Lux didn't, wouldn't, blame her for the mistakes of a group that she aligned herself with. Beliefs were different for everyone but this war was making everyone mistrust one another. His uncle had to see that or else he would lose his nephew as well. That wasn't a situation that Lux wanted to happen but Lux had known Ahsoka for over six months and his uncle for only a few hours.

"Mandalore, please. I already have a flat there so it'll be no problem. Uncle, Ahsoka will forgive you for what you said but I will be harder. What you said wasn't right or kind and I've known Ahsoka for a lot longer than I have you. Can you please give her a proper apology?" Lux asked his uncle with sincerity and a slight hint of desperation. It was important for Lux to be with as much family as he could find at the moment.

Lor seemed thoughtful for a moment before replying however as he opened his mouth, an ear-splitting scream filled the ship. "Cehla." Lor cursed as the two boys ran into the main living area. Cehla was lying on the floor, very still. "Cehla? Cehla!" Lor bent down beside her and checked her pulse. "It's faint but it's there. There's a medical station in the back, I'll take her there and check on her. Lux, keep an eye on your freak." Lor picked Cehla up without a backwards glance as Lux and Ahsoka looked outraged. He made an attempt towards his prejudice uncle but Ahsoka held him back.

"I'm okay, Lux. It's natural for him to be suspicious. I just hope that Cehla is all right." Ahsoka rested on him as Lux's breathing returned to normal. She was right of course, it had just been the two Togruta here before Cehla screamed so most evidence did point to Ahsoka for doing something.

They sat down next to each other and Lux raked a hand through his hair. "What happened? One moment everything was fine and then it wasn't." Lux knew that something was afoot because how could Cehla have been in there if she wasn't in the cockpit? It made no sense.

Ahsoka closed her eyes, remembering. "Cehla came out of the door which leads to the medical station and apologised for Lor's behaviour again. I told her that it was fine and we began talking about how we met. After a while, Cehla began coughing so I bought her a glass of water. She drank it, looked terrified, screamed, then collapsed. I didn't sense anyone or anything behind me. I don't know what happened." Ahsoka was silent for a moment as she tried to remember any more details but it was fuzzy. "What were you and Lor talking about?" She asked.

Lux gave a rueful grin and stroked her back lek. "I told him that I wanted to go to Mandalore and asked him where Aunt Cehla was. He was vague about the answer and seemed almost annoyed by it. I then told him that you may forgive him but I would be harder to make peace with. That he would loose me if he continued to treat you this way. Lor promised that he would give you a proper apology but then everything fell to pieces." He slumped back against the sofa looking cross, exhausted and confused. "'Soka? Why is family never simple?" That in itself was a simple question with no real answer.

Ahsoka never knew her birth family, she could barely remembered her toddler-hood up until coming to the Temple. Ahsoka didn't mind though as the Jedi were her family and she loved them greatly. Thinking about it, Ahsoka realised that she often thought of Padme as a mother and Senator Chuchi as a cousin as well. Family was more then your DNA and there were many people who she considered familie. Lux was also her family but Ahsoka didn't think of him in a relative way. To her, Lux was her boyfriend, lover; someday perhaps her husband. "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." That was something Ahsoka had been taught when she was a youngling. It meant that relationships formed by choice were more important than the DNA in our body. Ahsoka looked at him and smiled, for she realised that it was true. It made her feel better but Ahsoka was determined to find out what had happened to Cehla. "Come on, maybe we can find some clues in the cockpit." Taking Lux's hand, she led him into the front of the ship and begun rummaging around by the pilot seat. "Aha!" She announced, holding a small bottle with a brown liquid inside. "One bottle of Parkellan Sling."

Lux looked curiously at it. "What type of drink is it?" He could guess that it was alcoholic, at least Ahsoka hoped, but his knowledge extended no further.

She took a small, swift, sniff of it and held it far away from her face. "It is a drink only drinkable by humans. It's a very old drink and on some planets, not every species was welcome. This drink was extremely popular on planets such as Coruscant, Alderaan and Onderon to name a few many centuries ago. Native Human worlds. The ingredients in it can be extremely toxic to many different species- Togruta included- so it's now banned on many worlds. Have you drank any of this?" If he had then Ahsoka would be concerned but it would be okay as they hadn't kissed in the time he could have drank it.

Lux shook his head. "No, however do you think Lor did? Maybe that's why Aunt Cehla collapsed, because she was poisoned! Although I doubt Lor meant to do that." Ahsoka couldn't help but look doubtful despite it being not what Lux wanted to see. He ignored the look of doubt on her face and grimaced. "We should go and see how Aunt Cehla is." Nodding, Ahsoka picked up the bottle tentatively and threw it away, following Lux.

In the medical station, Cehla was resting on a table with Lor looking on. A medical droid was running tests and scans on her when the duo came in. Lor glanced up in their direction and his face twisted into a hideous scowl. "I suppose you found the bottle, then? Going to turn me over to the authorities, Jedi? I don't care! You know what? Get off my ship! I don't want your poisonous germs around my family. We're not too far from Coruscant, your precious Jedi can pick you up." He shoved them out of there and pulled Ahsoka along until they reached the escape pods. Lux was shouting at his uncle to let her go as Ahsoka struggled greatly however she wouldn't use her lightsabers to try to stop him. He threw Ahsoka in the nearest one and turned to his distraught nephew. "Free her and there won't be a Jedi to go back to Coruscant." He stalked away, leaving them alone.

Lux ran to the glass and Ahsoka pressed herself against it. "I can easily beat him in a fight." She told him. Lux smiled but they both knew that Lux wouldn't what it to come to that. "He said that you couldn't free me but not that you couldn't join me." Ahsoka suggested but it was an empty one.

Lux looked at her. "I can't go with you Ahsoka, you know that. We were going to part anyway. This is simply sooner." Ahsoka was clearly distraught over this and was trying to memorise his accent on her mind.

Refusing to give up, she persisted. "But we can try and change things... Together." Ahsoka felt herself getting chocked up but refused to give into tears. With their combined experience and friendship it would be possible for them to change the opinions of many about the war.

"We do make a pretty good team, don't we?" He chuckled and Ahsoka pressed her hand against the glass. Lux looked at it and smiled, copying her.

"Be careful." She whispered.

He grinned. "Don't worry, we'll see each other again." With that, the escape pod ejected and the two friends waved as they got smaller and smaller, disappearing from view.

That was a big chapter but I hope you liked it. I liked it. I really enjoyed this scene in the episode and I'm pleased that I've gotten to the point of it in my story. I'll update soon, don't worry. Bye, bye.

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