⁰²⁴ Troubles

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3rd person P.O.V

THE TWO DISGUISED WORKERS CONTINUED TO JOG THROUGH THE EMPTY HALLWAYS. The plan was working, they hoped, and if they could regroup with Tadashi then they'd be able to finally be able to leave this place. Thankfully they were able to get past the large crowd of staff as they blended in perfectly.

No surprise. Kento's super duper sneaky skills put to the test.

Kento held his stomach a bit as he started to feel his broken stitches become even looser making him grunt and his footsteps falter slightly. Sae-Byeok glanced at him but of course the mask prevent him from seeing the worried expression stuck in her face.

"Y-you alright?" She attempted to ask but it came out strange due to her being out of breath. All she got was a nod in reply forcing her to look back forward again.

"If I'm correct then Tadashi should be around here somewhere..." Kentos altered voice interrupted the heavy silence. "What if he's not?" The girl asked in question probably not thinking Tadashi would stick to his word.

Kento stayed silent before he turned his head towards her, "I don't doubt he won't be here."

"Don't rely on a promise if he made one." Sae-Byeok told him with a huff. "Promises can get you no where in situations like this." Her words made Kento confused as he rose a brow.

"I promised you that I'd get us out of here? Do I seem to be breaking it?" He asked but didn't look at her. Sae-Byeok stayed silent as they continued to jog through the hallways knowing what he was saying was true. "I'm just saying—" Kento cut her off.

"Don't use past experiences against your future. That can effect your mind in a bad way and prevent you from doing your best." He explained bluntly, not wanting to doubt his friend that he wouldn't be there.

Sae-Byeok frowned then winced at the feeling of her neck and stomach. Blood had seeped throughout her whole suit making running uncomfortable to the extreme but if she complained to Kento, he'd put all his worry onto her. She didn't want to die because of her selfishness and get him killed as well.

Kento would speak into the device on his belt a few times and she assumed it was Tadashi on the other end unless he's talking to someone else. It was unlikely but she always had her suspicions.

"What about the cameras...?" She asked, panting under her breath at all the painful running. "Tadashi's got it covered. We just can't run into any of the higher ups cause they'll scan your neck and then we'll be in bigger shit." He told her quickly, making a turn to the left. The scene definitely resembled the same own from a few days ago.

Sae-Byeok bit her lip in worry as they continued to run in different directions hopefully nearing where Tadashi was soon. A bell buzzed above them causing both of their heads to turn and look upwards. Kento slowed their running and held Sae-byeok closer to him as he listened for the announcement.

"Good afternoon. It seems that we are dealing with problems with one of our eliminated players. A jacket has been found—"

"Shit." Kento muttered cutting off the woman and he pulled the girl closer to him and they started running forwards again. Sae-byeok looked at the man with worry and tried to ask what they would have to do but it seems he wouldn't listen.

"What's happening?"

"I don't know."

"Are they going to kill us?"

"Of course not."

"That's not what the announcement said—" She was pulled to a stop and large hands grasped her shoulders tightly. Her breathing started becoming uneven and it was hard to swallow the large lump in her throat.

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