⁰⁰¹ A Game

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Alright broskis so I actually have no idea what happens if you choose the red card instead of blue so I'm completely making what happens up due to there not being a showcased view if you do so it may or may not be kinda terrible but you never know unless you try.
Also the main characters an apathetic and insensitive piece of shit just heads up, he doesn't care about the players dying like at all.

Kento's P.O.V

I SAT ALONE IN A RANDOM PARK AS CARS PAST AND CRICKETS MADE NOISE. My head was leaning back against the bench's cold metal edge. Recent events caused my stomach to churn in discomfort knowing the consequences would soon crash down on me.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck." I slowly said to myself. Honestly If I could I would kill myself but I had a mother to take care of and it would be selfish for me to do that to her.

A few hours ago I was chilling with my boss whom had lended me cash to borrow and use to help my mother. Yet somehow that money had mysteriously gone missing which ended up in me getting the backlash. Yes, I can admit I did use the money selflessly in buying food but I was a hungry guy. What else would I of done?

Anyway, the old boss got totally pissed at me and kicked me out of his club not before screaming at me to get his money back. Like that would ever happen.

So now I had a total of around 35 million won to pay off by tomorrow which honestly seems impossible to a simple broke bitch like me. But what can I say, those dinner buns were worth all the shit.

I continued to sit quietly for around an hour before a presence made me open one eye. A man probably around his late twenties stood before me with a small grin on his face. He also held a suitcase in his right hand making me slightly suspicious.

"Sup, dude." I monotonously spoke, closing my eye again. I didn't really care who he was, if he wanted to sit down I wasn't gonna stop him.

"Hello, sir." The man spoke making me turn to look at him, I raised an eyebrow as he smiled. "Would you like to play a game with me?"

That question put me off as I frowned at him, "Excuse me?"

"Would you like to play a game with me?" He asked again still smiling. That expression kinda set me off. I chuckled and started to look around not wanting to make eye contact with the random dude. "A-a game? What are we five?"

"Well, games are for all ages so we should be fine." He then smirked whilst I scoffed, turning my body to face his as I crossed my arms. "Alright. What game are we playing?"

"You've heard of ddakji right?" I nodded already knowing the game as it was taught to me at a young age. "Yeah. It's a classic game."

"Okay a few rounds of ddakji with me and every time you win I'll give you 100,000 won. Every time I win, you give me the same amount." Grabbing his suitcase and opening it proving that he had the cash. My mind raced about getting cash but scams like these were very common.

But I was a bored bitch with no money so why not.

"Alrighty, sure I'll play your game." Caving in while the man smiled at me. Creep.

He pulled out two coloured cards and held them towards me. "Which one do you want to play as?" A red card and a blue card stared at me whilst I looked between the two.


My answer made the man's smirk grow into a wide smile which kinda freaked me out. "Wonderful choice. Reds a nice colour—"

"Yeah, yeah let's play already." I waved my hand, standing up and holding the red card. The man stood up as well and looked at me like he wanted me to go first. I mean his card was in the ground so I shrugged and threw the card hard on his.

It successfully flipped his card over making me smirk and look at the man. His expression could've made me laugh but I held it in.

"Impressive. Here. Just as promised." He handed me the money and I shoved it in my back pocket boredly. Grabbing his card, he threw it into the ground but my card didn't flip over. For some reason that completely set the dude of while I laughed.

"Damn, so confident now you can't even win at a stupid kids game." He frowned at the card while I chuckled at his misfortune. I walked up to the handsome man and slapped his face before he could react. He held an expression of surprise while holding his cheek.

"W-what did you do that for?!"

I shrugged not actually knowing why I did that. "You lost so I slapped you." He sighed in disappointment. "That's not how this works. I slap you since you have no money to repay me! Also— I have money to give you?!"

"Ohhh.... Right." I grinned at the man who muttered under his breath as I picked up the red card again. Throwing it to his, I again was able to flip his over before holding my hand out.

"Promised as promised, right?" I rose an eyebrow as he grabbed another 100,000 won, placing it carefully in my hand.

"You know," He started began, "There are other games like this where you can make even more." I raised an eyebrow at this, who'd fall for this trap.

Me, obviously.

"Alright, pipsqueak. Where do I go?" I crossed my arms looking at the man who stuttered at the nickname. He pulled out a small brown card with shapes on it and handed it to me. Looking at the card it was indeed stupid looking, flipping it over all it held was a number.

"So what the fuck do you want me to do with this?" I spat at the man who flinched at the choice of words. "Y-you just call it and fate leads you in from there." He brushed of imaginary dust and grabbed his suitcase probably about to leave.

"Call the number? What are they gonna give me directions?" My questions weren't being answered which slightly pissed me off. He shrugged at me and began walking away. I huffed at the man and sat down on the bench yet again.

I looked at the card, flipping it over to see the small number again. Indeed it was tempting but what would my mother say about this?

"Be a man and grow some balls, you stupid child."

Her annoying voice rang throughout my brain making me groan. "Ugh, only a pussy would back out of this." Pursing my lips at the thoughts.

"Guess what. Ma didn't raise no pussy." I ended up calling the number.

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