⁰⁰² What Password?

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Kento's P.O.V

I SAT STILL WHILE THE SOUND RUNG IN MY EARS AWAITING FOR THE NUMBER TO ANSWER. This was probably a bad idea, calling a random number but if I was gonna earn money I'd take that bloody risk. Like I said my ma needs that money for her health.

The dial rung a few more times before someone actually picked up making me sigh in relief. "Hello. Who's calling?"

Not gonna lie his voice was dog shit annoying but I shrugged it off. "Yeah, uh, I played a game with this dude and he gave me this card? So..." I droned on not knowing what else to say.

"Do you wish to participate in the game?"

"If it gets me cash, yeah." I answered easily. It was quiet for a moment before the voice spoke again. "If you wish to participate, please state your name and birthdate."

I blinked at that question. Why do they need my birthdate?

"Uh, Park Kento-Hyung. August 17th, 1999."

"Wait outside your house at midnight. You'll be picked up there." Before I could respond, they'd already hung up as I confusingly stared at my phone.

"Alright..." I stood alone in the dark as it started to get really late, cars were no longer diving by and the lights in buildings started to go off one by one.

"Wait— how do they know where I live?— AHH THEY'RE STALKING ME." I screamed and started to run towards my house. Except I got there in a few meters cause I live right next to this park.

"Oh yeah. I didn't really need to run." Laughing to myself before sitting down on the bottom steps in front of my house.

I should probably tell Ma that I'm gonna go to this sketchy ass place and earn cash. Getting myself up, I walked in through the door and went towards the living room successfully finding my mother.

"Hey ma. I'm gonna go earn us a bunch of money and go to this real sketchy place to do that." Why not just get to the point ya know?

"That's nice..." She responded not actually listening to me. I pouted and walked over to her chair and placed my hands on my hips. "I could die."

"Gives me less problems then."

If an arrow could go through my heart it would've right now. "Ma, I'm hurt by that." She slowly turned her head towards me and glared.

"Boy, cursed romance is on and I don't want to miss any of the drama so please for the love of god and my sanity go do something productive. Maybe go find a pet I don't know, catch a bird and fry it." Waving her hand and turning back to the tv.

"I'm your son! Pay attention to meee!!!"

"Yeah. A son I deeply regret."

"Fucking fine, I'll just go missing. It's whatever..." I mumbled walking back to the door to await my upcoming death. "At lets I'm getting murdered handsome." Grumbling as I sat back down on the harsh concrete steps.

The wind blew through my loose jacket causing me to pull it tighter around my body. Why for gods does it have to be so cold. Isn't it around fall, it should be bloody warm around here.

Soon enough it turned midnight and a sketchy looking white van rolled up in front of me. I got up and walked over to the window which rolled down and I looked at the driver.

It was someone with a black mask on which had a circle on it and a pink tracksuit or something. They turned their head towards me and asked a question. "Mr. Park Kento-Hyung?"

"Yeah that's... me." I responded whilst leaning against the door. "Password?"

I stared at the masked person and furrowed my eyebrows. "You didn't give me a password?"


Alright this is getting annoying fast.

"Like I just said? You didn't give me a password..." Maybe if I spoke slowly this person would understand better. They suddenly leaned towards me making the seat creak and yet again they asked the same question. Even slower.

"Password, Mr. Park Kento-Hyung."

"I. Don't. Know. Talk to the dude who talked to me." I kid you not this guy sighed at me.

Instead, he opted for a different question. "Someone would stand in front and yell two words making so the statues could move yet another two words were spoken and they were back to statues. What is the name of the game?"

The sudden riddle made me step back and I tilted my head. "Pardon?" The dude was obviously getting annoyed at me. "I shall not repeat myself once more. Someone would stand in front and yell two words making so the statues could move yet another two words were spoken and they were back to statues. What is the name of the game?"

What kind of riddle was this? Although it did start to wonder into my mind and slowly I started picking up pieces and turning them into an answer. Seriously, that was the password.

"Red light, green light...?" I answered looking away from the mask even though I couldn't see their eyes.

Yet I looked back at the sound of a door opening and shifted my way to look inside. I looked at the driver again and they just stared at me so I mentally shrugged and pulled myself in the available seat which was right in front of me.

Least I didn't need to climb over these grubby people who were sleeping. It was midnight though so I wouldn't blame them, I was tired as hell too.

The door shut behind me and we kinda sat in awkward silence for a bit before a gas was suddenly released in the air. The toxins started going into my lungs  making it harder to breath and for some reason to stay awake.

"W-what t-the...?" Not being able to finish my sentences as I drifted off to sleep.

The sound of the van went through my ears before I fully passed out in the seat fully unaware of what was about to happen to me.


Kento's mother walked out of the house wrapped in an old thin blanket as she hobbled to the edge of the steps. The wind slightly blew her grey hair which was tide in a loose bun. She watched as her son stood near a crusty looking white van as he got in it and the van started to drive away.

The old dying woman sighed and shook her head before she started heading back inside.

"What a stupid boy. At least he's getting some action in his life. Never thought he'd get captured though." She croaked whilst shutting the door and locking it.

"Now. Time to make myself a nice cup of tea and biscuits."

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