⁰⁰⁷ It Begins Yet Again

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Kento's P.O.V

ITS BEEN A FEW SAYS SINCE THE GAMES GOT TERMINATED AND THE PLAYERS WERE SENT BACK TO THEIR PISSY LIVES. Lately I've just been working with other workers to keep an eye on the recent players and see what they're up too. It did sound stalker ish but it was likely nearly all of them would want to come back. With that much money on the line, no way anyone would not want to return and seize the opportunity of a lifetime.

Tadashi and I had worked alongside each other as well after his work team had some problems so he had joined me from now on. It was quite boring when the players weren't here because that meant I had no entertainment for the time being. The emptiness of the island brought sadness too me of some sort.

I was still getting paid though so that's a relief.

The head man had ordered us to continue working on the next five games so he probably knew that everyone would crawl back. After five days, Tadashi was separated from me to work in the playground like room and as for I, I needed to help the staff deliver the same brown and shape card to each and every player.

We traveled on a boat and back to Korea and started heading to all their houses, shoving the card either under or in the door. Whilst also aggressively ringing their doorbell just for extra luck. Luckily, the higher ups located all their homes in fast time so we could do this without a hassle. Tadashi did whine a bit when he found out I went out to Korea but I was able to gift him a box of chocolates so he forgave me.

And gave me a hug which bothered me a bit.

I did consider heading back home to see how Mother was doing but knowing her, she was probably partying and drinking for my absence. That kinda made me upset but I knew she loved me in certain ways I just didn't know. Freaking innocent ways you dirty minded rats.

It was currently past 2am when all of us staff got the announcement that the shipment of players had now arrived at the docks. Quickly as we could, all of us who were asleep got dressed and headed up to help get the players back into their quarters. When we got there, we opened the vans to carefully pick up and place the players onto a bed trolly so we could push them to the changing room. It was quite gross to touch the players when they were practically naked so thank god I had gloves on.

Tadashi tried his best but he kept dropping them accidentally back onto the bed with a loud thud, I almost pissing myself of laughter. "Shit!—" He whispered when he dropped a frail lady on the bed. I had to look away to hold back the tears that threatened to fall from his body movement and frightened reaction to his mistake.

"You suck at this!—" My body was slightly shaking as I lifted them back up to put their jacket on. Tadashi leant over to push my face and if I could, I would've slapped him back but I couldn't cause he's a pussy and would cry.

Eventually, all the players were in their beds and sleeping peacefully as we started exciting the large room. The golden piggy bank still hovered up on the roof, my eyes practically sparkled but yet again the moment was ruined as Tadashi pushed me and quickly ran off. "Prick..." I grumbled quickly running to catch up so I wouldn't need to see the players anymore.

I was able to make it back to my designated room and quickly undressed, flopping onto the uncomfortable bed and falling into a light sleep. Throughout the night, I'd toss and turn, unable to find a position in which I would be comfortable in.

I ran around the playground with a huge smile smacked on my face as I played with my friends. Our giggles were echoing throughout the area, we were all excited to be able to play as usually I'd be forced to stay home, orders from my father.

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