⁰¹⁶ Strangers & Pain

586 29 15

3rd person P.O.V

THE STRANGERS SAT BESIDE EACH OTHER AS THEY CONTINUED TO THINK ON WAYS TO ESCAPE THE ISLAND. Kento sat with his legs bent and his elbows resting on his knees while his hands fiddled with the triangle marked masked. His fingers traced along the line reminding him of the honeycomb game a few days ago.

Great. Now he was hungry. When was the last time he ate anyway. He had no idea.

It marvelled him how fast time had gone by and already he'd messed up in following orders by his scary superiors. During this whole time he'd been kidnapped never once had he felt any sympathy towards anyone, not even the staff members. He couldn't help it though. growing up in a home where no one cared about him just grew onto the boy during his teenage and adult years.

It could be called selfish in some ways but Kento couldn't see it being like that. It's just always been that way ever since he was little. Although Kento was glad he'd never had tried to show any remorse for someone otherwise he'd be lying to them and too himself.

The worker tossed his mask in front of him with a sigh and gently laid his head on the wall behind him. His whole body ached from the bullet wounds and from the stab wound in his stomach which was sure going to get infected.  The blood had soaked up all his clothing making any position uncomfortable.

A voice broke the uncomfortable silence causing Kento to open his eyes. "Do...do you think we'll actually get out of here?" Sae-Byeok asked quietly, her fingers fidgeting with the dead skin around her nails. Kento could tell she was anxious and distressed but all he did was hum in response.

"Maybe..." He replied, "We could if we tried hard enough. Although I doubt three idiots like us could take on a whole army like them head on." He concluded before closing his eyes again. All he wanted to do was sleep and he hasn't been able to do that since the stabbing incident.

That was maybe a day ago or so.

"Excuse me? I am not an idiot," Sae-Byeok retorted back glaring at the dying man beside her.

"You certainly act like one around me."

"That's because you're an idiot. It radiates of you and onto me." She grumbled crossing her legs in front of her. "It's just...I don't want to waste my time escaping with you if I could survive the games and leave with prize money."

Kento looked at her with a raised eyebrow and scoffed, "There is a very low chance of any of what you just said happening. Listen, we can escape if we work together and that won't happen unless you bring yourself to trust me. Including Tadashi." He added but Sae-Byeok turned away with a frown deciding to ignore the boy whom frowned at her action

He was starting to loose hope which he didn't want to admit to himself at all. More pain had shot through Kentos arm forcing him to unzip his uniform and gently pull his left arm out. "Ow, ow, ow...why?" He quietly whimpered as his fingers touched around the sensitive area.

Blood had oozed out making the whole picture a mess.

Sae-Byeok turned her head after hearing his distressed whimpers and stared at the struggling boy. She didn't want to help but if he was risking his life to save hers she might as well be cooperative and help him in the slightest. Her pride would be hurt but she decided to ignore that for now.

She pushed herself up from her sitting position and walked in front of Kento before crouching slowly.

"Don't touch it. You could infect it more." She mumbled carefully moving his rough fingers off the wound replacing them with her own. Her eyes analysed the shot steadily as Kento stared at the girl in surprise.

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