Estral Ever'reiyn: LXXV

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"W-what the hell is that?!" Hrabbaz roared. Red energy swirled around Estral as blades seemed to not touch him; he felt new strength go through him and his eyes seemed to narrow at the task at hand. There were so many cultists left, but this one giant was all the trouble. Luckily he had..

"A blessing from Ares shit lords!" Estral cackled, he willed a plethora of Echoes to come forth while the cultist's dagger found a mark in his leg; it was shallow but a cut nonetheless. Javevu lashed at him exposing an arm while Hrabbaz's mace hit an echo's chest shattering it. Estral swung the khopesh up, slicing clean through Javevu's extended right arm. *Evcsseeshnk* He threw the blade in the air letting an echo leap off of him to grab the khopesh while he snatched the rapier before it fell to the floor. "Take this!" Estral dug irony; he shoved the rapier in Javevu's throat as a mace hit his side. "Agh!" He flew right at a nearby wall.

"I've got you now!" Hrabbaz cheered charging him, his vision was a bit groggy. Estral sneered as he looked down and spotted a half broken spear, placing his foot under it he kicked it to his hand and braced the shaft against the wall point facing the charging giant. With his left hand he tossed his sword to the side with such force it skewered two cultists heads at once. *Evcsseeshnk* it split the skulls open and brains flew across the room.

"Only thing you've got is a one way trip to Hades!" Estral crowed, he knew his powers were dwindling as he couldn't summon an echo behind Hrabbaz. So much for that blessing of Ares, his current echoes were busy with the cultists trying to keep himself alive. He finally twisted the spear shaft up and pushed his back against the wall allowing Hrabbaz who was still charging to see what he was running into. "Πήγαινε στα κοράκια, ηλίθια αγελάδα." He cursed. The realization struck the giant too late. "Switch." Estral whispered smugly


The sound of snapping wood and bone as blood gushed from a crushed wound could be heard all across the room. Hrabbaz slammed chest first against Estral hitting the spear which collapsed under the force but not before ripping through the giant's body. Estral on the other hand.. Was elsewhere. He scooped up one of his swords and slashed Hrabbaz across the back. The giant is still reeling from his wound. An echo behind him beheaded another two cultists.

"Gagh! H-how-" Hrabbaz spun wearily as he let out a quick punch against Estral, it landed but he got right back up. Estral stepped to the left and brought his blade down on the giant's wrist. *Evcsseeshnk* the terrible sound of a wolf's claw came and cut the hand clean off. Estral was seeing yellow spots dancing lights in his vision which was blurring now man he was rough. The blessing filled him with new strength and skill but only for so long. "At the last second you.. Switched with your echo?" Hrabbaz sounded genuinely impressed, but the mood did not last long. He brought his morning star down now with only one hand Estral paired easily and then countered. He swatted the heavy weapon away and stabbed an oncoming cultist their dagger was bounced right back up with Estral's new khopesh he turned left and hit the dagger in the but causing it to fly across the room and hit.

"Ah!" Yalah screamed in pain as the dagger landed, when were they going to learn every attack was just a new weapon in his arsenal? He felt the morning star hit his already damaged shoulder causing him to drop his weapon. He ducked again and summoned an echo which moved through Hrabbaz's legs.

"I wasn't born yesterday!" Hrabbaz growled, slamming his leg into the echo which still made it through. Estral was fighting a war on every front as the first arrow since he killed most of the archers flew through the air hitting his left arm. The red vision was beginning to fade.

"Agh! Neither was I!" Estral cursed his voice, vibrating. Before stabbing the giant in the waist drawing blood to spew everywhere. The morning star was flailing in random directions now Estral cutting into the body one slash after another, his echo taking over. They made desperate attacks one after another. The giant howlede in pain more than his fucking ex-wife. Estral dogged and rolled kicking aside random cultists as they charged but he could feel himself tiring he was going to lose this fight. Ah, fuck it, when did that ever stop him? Estral kicked off the giant gliding through the air;

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