Asher Exitium: LXVII

Start from the beginning

"If it is to be honest." The drow said with a sophisticated voice. "I came here to test you.. And I'm not all that impressed."

"That's.. Saying a lot for a mass murderer." It was that line that made the innocent murderer frown. "Oh, you didn't think I'd notice? The disappearances, the litter of bodies mangled and beaten up, honestly you think I wouldn't overhear the guards? A child could connect those dots!" The drows face twitched in anger, insulting his job of murder.

"You.. did pull a knife on us." Alekzandr added, they were steadily backing up the alleyway putting distance between the three of them. "If I'm going to be honest, if we are encountering someone whom we know is dangerous? Mine comrades are going to obviously back down."

"Not with the two of us!" Asher commented.

"Two versus one? I don't see the issue." The drow spoke in that nasally unnatural voice that didn't even come from the body itself, instead from a different source. "Do you?"

"Well, two people versus god, doesn't sound like great odds." Alekzandr sighed. The alleyway was filled with tension with each step backward the drow seemed to grow more and more amused, it was broad daylight this was absurd that no one would hear or see this.

"Who said I was a deity?"

"Who said you weren't?" Asher remarked. "I don't think we want to take the chances here.. So if you would excuse me, We'll be taking the cart, and I'm sure you have.. Other things to do." Asher stood steadfast in front of Alekzandr, forming a plan in his mind of how to get out of this.

"Wow.. so boring." the drow replied despondently. "Not even an attempt?" no.. it would not end here, fuck that. 'I still have to further my family.. Fix all of this.' He thought desperately.

"An attempt for what?" Alekzandr inquired. He had to buy time, Asher knew that, he had to get time. Markos was at the house of inspired hands, the guy was crazy but also.. Crazy powerful if anyone could bail them out of this. It was the teleporting madman Markos Amanodel. In blinding speed Asher watched the drow raise his dagger almost like he was tossing it, and a black image flashed past him shaped like the knife itself. "Korhazr shchit." Asher felt energy swell behind him and the sound of something shattering filled the air.

"A shield huh?" The innocent murderer smiled even wider.

"Mrgh.." Asher heard Alekzandr grunt behind him, he turned his eyes over to see a small stab wound in Alekz's left shoulder.. His friend had been.. Injured. A quiet rage began to swell in him, fate had taken his parents, his life, his platoon, and separated him from his children. Now it wished to injure his friends? Alekzandr reached into his coat pocket pulling out a flask and took a drink. Pouring a little bit of the alcohol on his wound.

"It was a valiant effort, really." The innocent murderer joked. Asher moved his eyes to the drow, brimming with anger.

"Is this really your whole game plan?" Asher asked accusatively. "To just single bits of us off, too scared to take all of us at once? That sounded wrong. Just like you."

"Oh no, when I genuinely attempt to deal with you. I'd much rather fight your whole party, at least let me get a work out."

Asher rolled his eyes. "Then why are we fucking around! God's.." Asher exclaimed. The drow seemed a little upset at that, on edge. "This is like Zeus fucking everything that walked.. Or.. I don't know Vestus was better with the myths." He muttered. Not able to think of something to compare it to.

"Because." The drow spat. "It's entertaining to see how the hunted react to the hunter." The drow took a deep breath trying to hold himself up a bit more, Asher was still at least three inches taller. Dear god's he had such an inferiority complex Asher thought, this was something he could use. To what degree? He wasn't sure, he might be a bit too rash though.

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