Herod Westwood: LXVI

Start from the beginning

"I've got you comrade!" Alekzandr yelled. "Radium vzryv ognya cicero!" A blaring blast of sound whizzed past Herod's ear and a ray of fire bursted like a flood from a dam. It impacted into the alleyway, missing the nimblewright all together.

"Seriously?!" Asher yelled. "I know you're a better shot than that." Alekzandr was probably drunk Herod rolled his eyes irritated.

"Magicae cornu telum!" Riu's voice screamed from behind him. With that an array of magic missiles soar into the nimblewright yet it somersaulted over one vaully and was hit by another. The creature rushed forward stabbing at Markos who narrowly dodged the first attack, but was hit by another.

"Ow! That hurt you stupid tree!" Markos seemed to roll around slashing with his trident as much as he stabbed, the sides of the prongs sharpened to use like a sword. He struck upward slashing a bit of the nimblewrights face.

"Vulity ceriorem ventus!" Herod cheered, he let out a blast from his sword, the eldritch attack hit the nimblewright like a freight train.


The wooden creature stumbled a bit, catching a slash from Adleth before returning the favor to Markos with a quick stab. The front line fighters were taking some hits. The nimblewright tried to hit Adleth again yet this time she was ready, stepping aside doging attack after attack she bounced her head left to right keeping out of danger all together. She would bring up her blades to knock the machine aside each time. Herod thought about what he should do.

'You're a warlock silly! ELDRITCH FUCKING BLAST!' Vulity coaxed in his mind. Hey she had a point he admitted, besides.. It was only one robot.

"Vulity ceriorem ventus!" Herod flexed the sword letting off one after another after another. "Hex omni Puderis Maledictum!" He placed a green hexblades curse on the robot letting the holy symbol of his god appear over its head. Letting off a few more eldritch blasts for good measure.

*VreePoom* they exploded off its surface like gusts of a tornado.

"Vene. TUL CeNPa!" Andraste let a fist out as strange vines struck out from the cracks in the pavement lashing at the bot seemingly doing nothing.

"Kever ont telum ignis." Alekzandr let off two more spells, two firebolt's that both missed by a wide margin Herod cursed the sudden drunken idiot. The machine began hopping in place looking from side to side. It ran. The nimblewright turned and ran down the alleyway it was once in. Which wasn't surprising, it probably never planned to suddenly fight seven adventurers. It was an unfair fight.

"Oh no you dont!" Asher yelled. He sprinted up making a quick slash with his long sword. It did nearly nothing. Herod rounded the corner inside the alleyway seeing it looked more like an L then just a straight path. The nimblewright was fast as all hell. "Resonare creaturae." Asher muttered in a low voice. At the end of the alleyway Herod spotted a being shimmering into existence; an Echo. A copy of Asher, it was a temporal duplicate waiting to attack. The nimblewright stopped and turned around the wheezing of machine parts sounded similar to steam escaping a boiling pot. "That's right." Asher's voice came in an echo; it was doubling over with both versions of him speaking in unison. "Nowhere to run.." The nimblewright spun back around charging at Asher's clone. "Vimentum." Something about Asher shimmered like he was in fact the echo. Herod wasted no time closing this distance for an ultimate strike.

'Let's kill it yaa!'

"Die! Fulminum iactu arsiesse!" Herod slashed his sword into two arcs, a literal tear formed in front of him and green lighting shot from the X shaped energy striking the bot in the back. Herod wished he had fire spells at that second. The blast hit the machine badly, lighting shooting through its body the nimblewright shook violently taking the brunt of the blast harshly. "We only need.." Herod thought for a brief second.

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