"Where is this.. Lord?" Andraste had returned to her human form surprisingly, that is, she was simply standing in the middle of the room, Urstul's great sword at her feet. "The guards mentioned he had someone.. Their lord." Adleth also recalled this fact, though she wasn't paying much attention when that happened.

"Let's look around then!" Herod yelled. "Cmon, what are we waiting for?" Adleth stared around the room, there wasn't anything to show a man or.. "Probably.. In here?" Herod pointed to the doorway Urstul had kicked through in the beginning. He smirked a little darting sideways in.

"See anything Herod?!" Asher yelled, Adleth walked over.

"Uh.. yes." Herod started, he sounded a bit amused. "I have found a crying man.. In a puddle of urine.. He looks.. Wow." Adleth nearly dashed to the room, she had to see this. She rounded the corner and entered the room. It looked like a giant walk in closet, in the corner she spotted Herod bent over a crying man. He looked like he was trying his best to not laugh at the unfortunate image. The man looked around, shaking a bit. He was a short, pretty stocky man dressed in decently fine clothes though they looked a bit tattered and worn, his dark hair was practically glued to his head and his olive eyes shook with a fearful gaze. Adleth was pretty sure this guy was going to be annoying. He looked up, his eyes darting around before a small calm seemed to overtake him.

"Oh my! It's.. it's good to know it's safe, it's about time someone came to my rescue. Who, who on Toril are you?! Where are my guards.. And that big ugly fellow." Adleth made eye contact with Herod who was currently holding up his sword waiting for the permission to kill him.

"You're guards are busy guarding the lady of the manor!" Riu rushed forward waving her hands. The man got a sour expression at that but simply stood up brushing himself off, though he seemed to waddle a bit seeing how he pissed himself. He was oozing a sense of self importance. He didn't appear to be very injured, but he was trying to get some of his dignity. Adleth considered slicing him in half.

"Sir?" Herod asked politely. "Uh, what the fuck happened with you? Ya get jumped.. Or maybe just slapped a little." Herod followed up. The man stifled a little at that.

"These thugs.. Decided to come into our home and attack us! I have no idea what they wanted.." The Lord replied pompously. 'Oh I hate him already.' Adleth thought.

Adleth cleared her throat. "Can I get ya name piss pants? May need it when handing you over."

"And for the city guard when handling the official report!" Asher added. Herod nodded quickly in agreement. Adleth snorted a little breath in humour.

"His name is Orond Gralhund.." Adleth turned to see the city guard member, Heath standing in the doorway, looking a bit depressed, probably because he wasn't that useful in the fight she figured.

"Thank you!" Asher chirped back.

"Sir.. is there anything I can do for ya?" Asher asked politely.

"Sorry If I could just interject for a moment." Markos butt in. "We're here cause we're looking for something-" Herod suddenly grabbed the cultist's arm, squeezing it like 'not now.'

"Let's get you back to your guards huh?" Asher advised laughing a bit. The seven of them plus the guard quickly escorted the man from the room leading him through the hall and back to where Adleth spotted some of the guards. Luckily these aren't the same streets pigs, just irritating noble guards who would halt her ability to steal shit. Didn matter. She swiped Orond's necklace when he was trying to get up.

"My goodness! Thank you for returning my husband to me." The lady of the house rejoiced in her room as Orond sat down, though she did frown at the fact he wet himself. "I see you fared rather well for yourselves.. Not very beat up now are we?" the lady continued. "My name is Yalah Gralhund, I am the lady of his house. It is a pleasure to meet the Keepers of Chaos-"

The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault of HellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora