Andraste Liadon: LXIII

Start from the beginning

"Yeah..." The guard started. "We would have had it." he said sternly. Andraste nearly chuckled by the looks of the men that were a fib.

"Really now?" Adleth shot. "By the looks of it you guys would be snake chow right about now." The elf sounded so smug yet she was probably right.

"Now-" the guard started.

"If it wasn't for us showing up, you guys would definitely lose. You looked like death already. And there were still some guys left!" Herod cried.

"It didn't look like you guys had it.. In fact, down stairs.." Asher gestured to the floor below them littered with bodies of guards and Zhentarim alike. "Your guards are looking pretty dead." The guard looked offended at that statement but Riu stepped into the middle holding her hands up aiming to halt any hostility between their group and the guards. A man in their midst, by the looks of it a city guard, Andraste wasn't sure what he was doing there but she rolled with it.

"Heath, we told your boss everything was alright there was no need-" The guard on the steps spoke down to the man named Heath.

"Alright? You haven't checked in in days! And I walk in on this mess? Yeah you should be happy you got these people's help! Don't give me that crap, if you'd told us anything maybe this wouldn't have happened." Heath bellowed angrily but the guard seemed to take it on the chin. Andraste took a deep breath and so did the guard.

"Look.. we've been in a standoff with these guys for nearly a day.. They took our lord hostage, we were dealing with it." The guard replied.

"Hold on." Asher asked, "The leader.. Of these thugs is still in the building?" Asher sounded so amused at that, like a few highered swords couldn't take down one really big thug. That was the boss. Andraste thought.

"That's more our business isn't it?" The room fell silent for a second, the dull grey eyes of the guard staring down at the emotionless mask of Asher. Asher held his long swords at the ready, one of the few people who did not sheath his weapon. The sides of his face were just barely visible to her, and his black hair stuck up over the mask. While Andraste knew she was tall and always felt it Asher was actually a few inches over even herself, she couldn't see his eyes but she put good money they were fixing to laugh.

"Well, do you want the help or not?" Asher finally asked, he sounded sarcastic, almost whimsical, taunting the guard like he knew better. Andraste liked him a bit more. She suspected under that hard exterior and humorous personality.. He really did care about keeping people safe.

"Sure." The guard spat, "If you want to go take care of it fine. We'll stay here and guard the lady." the guard stepped aside while they marched past them. Andraste got a good look at the array of figures, the guard nearest to Lady Gralhund was tall, large and mean looking he was a half orc by the looks of it, with a large morning star. His skin was deeply scarred and his dark eyes held discontent.

"Let's go kill some people!" Markos yelled happily.

"Cool, more chances to increase my powers." Herod commented while they strode past.

"Honestly I don't.. What was I saying?" Alekzandr started

"Oh god! Alekzandr do you hear the voices too?! Finally! My suffering isn't alone!" Markos started cheering loudly with a laugh on his tongue. Andraste shook her head wondering what mad man she had shared a house with.

"You've.. Been on a little bit of a high horse today Markos.. Are you ok?" Alekzandr asked.

"I'm fine Alekz!" Markos chirped. Andraste simply sighed walking briskly down the hall towards the door the guards had pointed them to. It was down a long hall far from the staircase, the mean time she got a chance to admire the house, white walls with painting on nearly every surface, the ceilings were high, probably tens of feet above her with slanted points that probably hid the roof from view.

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