Riu Astrial: LXII

Start from the beginning


In the chaos of the house she spotted Herod flinging men back with his blade streaks of his blue fox sending shockwaves through the home. Alekzandr was still only hitting people over the head; it seemed he was avoiding spells. With the closed in location and chances of hitting others. She didn't blame him.

"ROAR" Andraste's lion form loudly screamed below throughout the halls; the angry noise shook her body with vibrations. She got a front row seat while the lion pounced one of the many men who had just been calling it a kitty.. He was.. Torn in half. The mess of the room was pure chaos, with Andraste attacking some goons, Adleth was hopping atop their heads slashing her short swords into unsuspecting victims left and right.


Honestly she seemed like a one woman army. But.. if Riu was honest, the goons' real problem. Was Asher. He fought like a demon spinning with two blades in either hand longswords for insane reach.


A crimson arc of blood spun around him. The swords making that violent wolf-like howl through the air. Just as she had seen a day earlier clones, no, echos shot from his body carrying similar equipment making short work of Zhentarim men.

"Die!" A man with a sword rushed forward in a large swing, he never had a chance. Asher ducked the first blow and brought his right blade up parrying the second before his left arm shoved a long sword straight through the robber's chest. Blood spurting everywhere. It looked almost like a hurricane of blades cutting those down left and right. He was unstoppable.

"Who.. the hell is that?" The guard she had saved asked behind her his jaw dropped and his sword hand slumped. Riu.. had no idea.

"Fucking halfwits!" Riu was snapped from her daze seeing Alekzandr struggle to push two guards off of him. "I was concerned with noise! But no longer! Razbit' trumm!"


The small soft click of metal could be heard followed by-


The halls of the manor filled with an ear shattering explosion the two guards on Alekzandr were eviscerated on the spot, leftover were two small smoking piles of ash, what on Selune's Toril did he use? Riu jumped to action swinging her own mace around to deal with the remaining guards.

"I got this!" Herod leapt in front of her seemingly out of nowhere. "Vulity ceriorem ventus!" Instantly two guards were slammed into the wall by an eldritch blast emanating from his blade Herod twisted on a heel wrapping one hand around Riu to move about her he simultaneously parried a mace coming from her left. Riu reacted by swinging her mace in response. The two of them worked in tandem to take out numerous Zhentarim snakes. "Get up the steps!" Herod yelled, Riu agreed with him the fight towards the stairs was difficult, at every turn it felt like more and more men were spilling out. A spear caught her armor plate pushing her back.

"Agh!" Riu felt it draw blood. The man in front of her sneered.


A blade came crashing down, slashing the spear pole in half, Asher spun into place splitting the spear down its middle and glancing a blow off the soldier's armor.

"Vulity ceriorem ventus!" Herod shot the Zhentarim plated man backwards with a mystical force, her two friends standing on either side of her.

"Let's get up there." Riu spat a little bit of blood dribbled on her tongue. The three required no further talking, they fought in unison up the stairs Herod shot blast after blast relying on no other spells to supplement him; the crackling echoes of a fox's howl filled the room but it was not the only sound. Missiles of magic flew up the steps targeting innocent zhentarim members who looked like they would rather run then deal with the group on their steps. Asher summersalted over one man and pushed a guard back behind him for safety, his blades acted like a shield slicing morning stars in half and cutting spear poles down like toothpicks.

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