Riu Astrial: LIII

Start from the beginning

"I'm impressed with your work.. I already gave Markos the payment." Renaer pointed at Markos who smiled. "So for.." Renaer paused. "Oh.. and who.. Who is this?" He pointed at Andraste who sat beside Asher, like he was only noticing her just now. Riu giggled a little.

"Andraste.. She's.. Someone we picked up." Asher responded quickly. "We can save that conversation for another time." He added.

"She's new, don't worry about her, she helped take down the gnome." Herod raised his glass, almost bonking her in the nose. Riu pulled back to avoid being hit.

"I.. well, you have all certainly proven your worth to the harpers.. We couldn't thank you enough.. So my question is.. Are you interested?" Renaer opened his jacket, setting down a couple blue and white pins with the symbol of the harp on them. The Harpers.. Riu's heart nearly jumped. She closed a hand around her locket, her parents had talked so much of the harpers when she was a child.. Now to be invited.. On her own merit?

"Of course!" Riu yelled. The room went silent for a second and she felt awkward eyes roam her. "I.. I mean of course, sorry." She quickly added.

"Yeah I'm in." Asher jumped from the bar and picked up one of the pins. Riu elegantly disembarked the stool before selecting a pin herself. It.. was amazing.

"I would be very much interested." Alekzandr beamed, he grabbed another pin, followed by Herod though Markos and Adleth didn't reach for one. "Thank you for-" Renaer frowned and stood up.

"I.. I have to go.." He looked like he was hearing something the rest were not. "We.. we can offer protection for all of you.. Not exactly a squadron but.. In return for your aid we can keep the guard and the Zhentarim off your back.. If you'll excuse me.. I seem to be receiving a message from Matrim. Nothing urgent I just.. Have to go." Renaer turned on his heel waving the party goodbye before any of them could speak. O-k then.. Riu thought that was random. An odd silence hung in the building for a split second, on the table still sat three Harper broaches, one for Markos, one for Adleth.. And a third one. Riu gazed at Andraste so curious about what she would do.

"I.. I guess I should be leaving now.." Andraste broke the silence reaching down to pick up her bag and great sword. "It was so nice of you to help me.. I think I'll find some accommodations at the Yawning portal or.. Somewhere-"

"Wait!" Riu protested Andraste, she wasn't ready to leave someone like her out in the cold. It wasn't right. "You.. helped us today, please we have a spare room at the top next to Alekzandr you could stay there." Riu held out her hands gesturing to the party, the all seemed sheepish.

"Riu.. how do we.." Herod began. Pausing he seemed to take a deep breath. "How do we know she's not some.. Evil figure? Us. We fought through several things before we finally decided to live here.. What can we be sure about her? Questions aren't en-"

"I can use my inner sight!" Riu rebutted. Slowly the pieces began to fall in line, why hasn't she thought of this sooner. "Besides Markos is clearly not the picture of goodness, and Adleth is certainly not the kindest, I can use the spell, Inner sight. My parents taught it to me I can.. See the inner nature of a person detect their good, their evil." Riu started to get more and more worked up, happy she found a solution.

"I.. I would be honored to stay with you all.. If.. you could trust me." Andraste replied. Riu nodded, she knew this could be done. The room murmured a little looking at one another.

"Worth a shot. Try it out, noble." Asher's voice was snarky yet encouraging, giving Riu a nice smile. "But keep in mind, Rodilla theory.. Bigger the consequence the less chance we care about." He.. Riu paused. 'He knows about Rodilla? Where did he get such an education?'

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