Sage clenches her jaw and nods over to one of her men. He walks over to the van and leads Arturo out blindfolded.

"Here's your man. Now where are my kids?"

He makes a hand signal in the air and loud humming sound fills the air.

"Fuck this I'm getting out."

"Wait- Devyn-" I get out of the car behind her. We stand by the car just a few feet away from the confrontation. The man in the mask looks over in our direction. From the distance we see a crane moving a crate like structure. It finally stops moving when the crate is hanging over the water.

"What is that?" Sage asks.

"You asked for your kids, didn't you?" He sneers.

"Mommy, Mom. I'm scared." Both Isaac and Reece start to yell and that's when we realize that they're in the crate.

"Get them out right now. We gave you what you want."

"You Ackermans are known to not keep your word. So we had to improvise, just in case you wanted to switch up. Any wrong move, and the crate will open, sending them straight in for a swim."

I feel Devyn gasp next to me.

"We have you outnumbered. My men are everywhere."

"Are you sure about that? It's true, I'm unarmed. But have you wondered why I can walk around all of you with so much confidence?" He lets out a laugh.

"What else do you want?"

"Who did you bring with? Why are they standing do far away. You two! Come join us." Sage looks at us and I can tell that she's angry that we stepped out. We walk over to her.

"Wow. The Devyn Ackerman. It's a pleasure."

"I wish I could say the same." Devyn replies in a cold tone.

"Ouch. Well I want Arturo's blindfold removed. I need to know that it's him."

"Remove his blindfold." Sage commands. Arturo squints at the sunlight and looks around.

"I swear I didn't tell them anything. I swear." Arturo's face was fear stricken as he looked at the masked man.

"It's okay. You've done well. Any last words?"

"Wait- what? I didn't do anything I swear." Arturo pleads.

The masked man stares at me and I feel chills run through my body.

"Sorry." The masked man lifts two fingers and a loud shot fills the sky. Everyone starts to shout and scream and I realize that it was a gunshot.

"I think they've got a sniper! Everyone down!" Sage yells.

I look back up while laying on the floor, to see that the masked man had vanished. The shots kept raining down at us and we scurried behind our cars. Arturo was still laying down, and I knew he was hit, so I ran to him.

"Andrea, no!" I move Devyn's arm away as I run to him. His torso was soaked in blood.

"Hey, I got you. You're okay." I reassure him as I press down on the bullet wound.

"It's you...." His voice trails off.

"Stay with me Arturo. Help! We need help, he's hurt!"

I look around to see that everyone was busy. Sage was shooting back at people in a tall building. Two of her men were grimacing in pain as they clung on to their arms or legs.

I start to feel Arturo fading away.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I whisper to him.

"Andrea! Move!" Devyn and I duck just in time as a bullet zips past my face.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah. Yeah."

"Okay-" People dressed in black come out the nearby buildings and bushes. Two of them go over to Sage while two come to us. Sage shoots one and punches the other. I can't see them fight anymore because I feel a brick hit my face and I realize that I had just got punched. Devyn is rolling around with other.

One on one. Easy.

With the speed of light I sweep her off her feet, quickly getting myself on top of her. I knew it was a woman under the mask because of her agile body and punch. I send a punch across her face and she's out cold.

I hear the crane hum again and the crate box opens from the bottom. Two small bodies are thrown into the water.


Looking around, I see that everyone is busy with getting shot or punched, or shooting and punching. Taking a deep breath in, I take a few steps back.

"Wait- Andrea."

"I have to." I make my running start and leap off of the ledge. I plunge into the cold water.

"Isaac??Reece?" I yell, and I hear a gurgle nearby. I see Isaac floating above the water, hardly able to keep up.

"Hey Isaac, where's Reece?"

"I... don't..."

"Okay, okay." I grab and swim back to the shore.

"You stay put. Your mom will be here." He sits there, dazed, confused and shivering. I plunge back into the water, and fear has my heart beating so fast. I hope Reece is okay.

After swimming around for a few minutes, I see a body floating on the water.

"Reece?Reece!" I get no reply. I swim over to her and grab her with my arm. My arms and legs burn as I swim back with her.

"Fuck, fuck. Devyn! Sage!" I start to preform CPR because unresponsive.

"Dev!Sage!" I yell. I keep pumping until she vomits out the water and I have never felt so relieved in my life. Devyn and Sage run down to us. Sage grabs both of them and hugs them tightly.

"We need to get back, now ma'am.Our men are hurt, you're hurt as well." The soldier tells Sage. She takes off her jacket and wraps both of them in it and carries them into the car. We run in behind them, keeping an eye out for any of the attackers.

"What the hell just happened?" Sage asks as she sits in the car.

"I have no idea." Devyn replies as she holds her jaw and bleeding lip. I sit there feeling cold and wet. Devyn takes off her jacket and places it around me and I'm glad that it was warm.

Tears of Blood (wlw)Where stories live. Discover now