"Just kill the dude, apparently he's a spy." Asher added. "We were offered money, so we figured it was as good as anything." Adleth frowned as she could hear a small whimpering sound behind her. It wasn't Markos, his whimpers were far more quick. Instead, it was Riu who seemed to be trembling.

"We.. aggravated the Zhentarim. So they offered us a chance to be in their good graces.. We kill short men." Alekzandr conceded.

"To be fair." Asher interjected rapidly. "We did piss them both off with the skin coasters.. Which.. We don't talk about it since it was the right thing to do." Adleth grew a smile recalling their dumbass skin coasters idea. Good thing they dumped the bag.

"You.. did, didn't you.. And well, I thought it was funny," Renaer defended. "But.. I don't necessarily think they did." Adleth rolled her eyes, she wanted to get to the damn point already.

"Look Man, what do you want? To just hear our day by day?" She leaned in trying to end the conversation already. "Thanks for financing our tavern.. And all that but.. This feels out of place." Renaer held up his hands in surrender.

"I.. represent a.. Different organization." Renaer started. "We.. want to upset the current balance that is the Zhentarim and Xanathar guilds."

"You mean the guilds that could cause the damned end of Waterdeep?" Adleth asked bewildered. Seriously what they had done was small fries compared to actually TRYING to piss them off.

"Here's the thing.. My.. friends see and hear things. If you would like to help the city more-"

"Borringgg" Herod announced. "Tell me how to help my gods and you can keep talking." Adleth waved her hand for Renaer to ignore him.

"Like.. like you helped the city with the gunslinger.. Though.. They never did find his weapon."

"Fell in the Ocean." Markos barked.

'He sounds convincing enough.' Adleth thought a little surprised.

"Shame really.." Renaer seemed unfazed taking the fib hook line and sinker. "If you want to help the city.. And.. still get paid." Adleth's ears perked up. Renaer turned his cloak around, opening the inside for the whole party to see. Inside She could see a small blue pin in the shape of a harp. The Harpers. She huffed a little, The Harpers, that law subverting group of nobles trying to preserve the 'old ways' as they put it. A little archaic.

"The Harpers." Alekzander remarked. "I'm not much of a joiner, but if I were seeking one organization.. That would be the one."

"At this moment.. Friends are a necessity." Renaer replied. "So.. seeing how you were.. Trafficked to kill this.. Spy guy.. I was hoping you could all.. Interfere at this moment."

"What do you want us to do?" Adleth quizzed she assumed money would be behind it, after all the Harpers were.. One of the wealthier organizations as far as she could remember.

"We would be able to perhaps.. Pay you for completing the task you've already been given.. If you could somehow.. Implicate the Zhentarim in this attack? Make it clear they ordered the hit so the Xanathar guild learns what's up? I'll pay you all a little extra." Renaer was grinning a sly smug smile, for once he didn't look like a massive dork to Adleth instead a tad handsome.

"Oh-" Adleth gave Markos's leg a quick squeeze, shooting him a smirk silencing the cultist before he could ruin the potential extra gold.

"How much are you willing to pay?" Asher inquired. She agreed with his question: they weren't going the extra mile unless they could get a good amount more coin. Markos whimpered to her right forcing Adleth to dig her nails in sneering a quick shoosh at him. 'Seriously dumbass don't ruin this, you unstable hack.' She screamed internally.

The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault of HellWhere stories live. Discover now