Vaelle Lurval: XXXVI

Start from the beginning

"Whoa." Damien stepped in between holding a hand up. "Evergrove.. Cool, she has a right to ask." Damien steadied his breath. For once in a long time terror wasn't stirken on her face but instead intrigue, anger, and a demanding thirst for answers. "Vaelle.. Do you know why I joined the faith?" She was slightly taken aback by the question.

"No." she admitted, what kind of question was that? She'd been there for a little under two weeks, they were already a week into Kythorn.

"When I was.. Eighteen." Damien slid down the wall settling to sit on the ground. Vaelle followed suit. "My cousin.. Told the city watch I was dealing in underground magic lessons. So they threw me into prison, the trial was a shame the city? Did nothing. The gods in their infinite wisdom and more? Did nothing, I was a follower of Tyr before this. I prayed day and night before trial and I got.. Nothing." His words were bitter and his voice hoarse. He reached to his side and unsheathed his sword. A doubled edged one handed long sword with strange writing on its blade.

"Did you? Were you guilty?" she asked. She felt like it was important, could he complain if he were innocent?

"No. I never did any of that. And yet no one cared. Vaelle this city is run by elites.. Nobility.. And shame religions. My family ostracized me, my church ejected me, I had nothing. No one, not a dollar to my name until.. The priestess welcomed me in and accepted me into the faith with open arms." She pursed her lip, the story sounded too good to be believable in her mind. Sure he'd been scorned by a system but to then turn around and join.. Join a cult??

"I'm sorry.. Sorry that happened but.."

"My point is Vaelle, don't assume that everyone here is.. Evil or some devil worshiper. We're not, we're people who need.."

"A family." Donna cut in. her friend reached across the floor and gripped Vaelle's hand, Holiver took her other. "Please.. Forgive us, we feared if we told you.. You'd freak out, it wasn't until we couldn't stand it anymore, until we needed you."

"Until I knew I needed you." Holiver assured her. Vaelle bit her lip trying to wrap her head around all this, but.. If this were true.. They- they had just killed people! During the last mass they killed and butchered people. Sure those adventurers had struck first but, did that make it any better? She opened her mouth to reply but she was cut off by the sound of clicking heels.


She spun her head around facing something she seldom expected, dressed in extremely long red and black robes with a golden shroud over her shoulders. Vaelle faced the silver featureless mask of the priestess. The woman was flanked by a large Goliath dressed in a priesteen suit with the sleeves rolled up. His face was ugly and hard like stone with a similar color shaped somewhat like a bull.

"Well.. what do we have here.." The priestess's voice came in a low slow whisper commanding some semblance of respect. Her long dark hair wisped behind her and her perfectly manicured fingers were outstretched towards Vaelle. 'What is she.. Doing here.' Vaelle wondered.

"My Lady." Damien instantly stood up and bowed, as did Holiver, and Donna. Vaelle felt awkward and tried to stumble to her feet.

"Here my dear." the priestess extended a hand. Vaelle stared at the silver mask drinking in its lack of emotion.

"T-thank.. You.." She finally managed to stutter out before being pulled to her feet. She stared at the floor sheepishly.

"You know it's considered polite to bow in the presence of nobility." Vaelle's ear's lit up red, she instantly grabbed the hem of her robes and bowed. "Better." The lady clicked through the hall for a few more steps passing her entirely. "Vaelle isn't it?"

"Y-yes Ma'am.." Was that right? Vaelle wasn't sure if Ma'am was the right addression, perhaps it was; priestess, or lady? The Priestess got closer, much closer. And placed a finger under Vaelle's chin she looked upward in fear suddenly the speech Damien had given her matterted far less. The lady cocked her head side to side inspecting her.

"Pretty." The woman turned her head but did not release her finger from Vaelle's face, she knew she wasn't held there. Not by force, but something compelled her. Something made her scared to squirm away. At that moment every sensation of going home filled her once again. She just wanted to return to the shop. "Holiver, has your bride begun her trials? Initiation into our faith?" the woman asked as if she already knew the answer. It's one she'd asked before.

"No Priestess.. She hasn't." Vaelle felt nervous and violated; she wanted to squirm away.

"Shame. Begin her initiation at once." The lady turned back to Vaelle for once, allowing her a glimpse of eyes under that mask, hazel eyes like her own spotted the tall imposing figure. The priestess had to be at least six foot one, maybe even taller. "With my blessing." With that the lady dropped her finger and with that Vaelle. Before she sauntered down the corridor with her large Goliath body guard in tow.


She clicked away. Vaelle collapsed on the floor unsure why she suddenly felt so weak, the interest and talk of initiation from that woman somehow made her uneasy, before she felt as if she could leave the faith at any point but now.. She recalled someone mentioning three trials.. Now.. looking into Damien, Donna, and Holiver's eyes she got the feeling she was about to receive it. 'I want to go home..' 

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