Asher Exitium: XXXV

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"Your creation?" Asher asked bitterly, approaching the nimblewright angrily. "Your creation just killed five people, so you're gonna tell me where it is right now." Asher growled as he held his swords at the ready.

"This.. is unnecessary." Valetta announced in a hardened tone. "The House will punish Nim for this mistake, plea-" Asher glared at Valetta as he could feel Markos stepping behind him.

"Mistake?! You call this a mistake?! His 'Mistake' killed two kids! Two dead children!" Asher lashed out. Valetta visibly began breathing heavily. She looked over at Nim with a bitter expression.

"I understand your anger.. However the Temple will settle this ourselves, we are in full ability to punish Nim-" Asher segmented his right blade into the nearby wall as he lifted his head tilting it back in anger. He couldn't see Nim, or Valetta or even feel Markos's hand against his back, all he could see was Adol. His tiefling son Adol.. Adol Exitium, Asher corrected in his brain, no one held that name not even him, they were dead god damnit. Asher thought to his son, living with his mother, what he would do if Adol was murdered by some horrible machine. In that moment he viewed fear in Valetta's eyes knowing she couldn't properly see his own.

"Anger?" Asher breathed a sigh of relief as Markos took over. "Your little friend here may not be able to talk, but I bet he can see." Markos's hand moved a little "Ctugraha." slowly the floor opened as a portal split as just the smallest tip of the tentacle sprouted out. "Maybe.. Instead of simply punishing him we take his mind." Markos sneered. Asher grinned sadistically, this fucker was going to get it.

"That.. Priests, please take away Nim's tools." Asher blinked as Valetta seemed to summon the courage to speak, behind him a rush of individuals moved into the room and started grabbing random things. Asher shoved one to the side.

"Asher.. Stop." Alekzandr uttered behind him. He took a deep breath, his son.. He was acting out of hate but still..

"The house.." Valetta began again cautiously. "Is willing to offer you a reward if you would all be willing to take care of this.. Creation of Nim." Valetta stuttered out. Asher sighed, a reward? Really?

"Markos close the portal." Asher muttered, though he kept his blades out. Could they really resolve it like this? "I want that.. Thing punished." He spat trying to handle himself. Valetta gave him a weary look and nodded.

"Of course.. He will be punished." Valetta took a deep breath. "The house is willing to offer you all five hundred gold pieces to find Nim's creation.. And destroy it, we don't want it back." Nim began making wild gestures of fear behind her. Asher scoffed, the fucker didn't want his kid dead.

"Yeah We'll end it." Herod replied, Asher thought of just lashing out at the moment and attacking the nimblewright, though it would be bad. Valetta reached on a nearby table pulling out a tall copper contraption with an umbrella at its top. It looked like a mix of a fishing rod, a lighter and a lever.

"What the hell is that umbrella thing?" Adleth puzzled, Though Asher thought it was probably the most boring of questions.

"This is a Nimblewright detector.. The umbrella on top should spin whenever you're near a nimblewright." Valetta pulled the lever on the side as the umbrella began spinning at an incredible rate. Valetta handed the device to Adleth who took it inspecting it in front of the group. Asher shrugged.

"We'll kill your kid." Asher told the nimblewright happily. "Would you like his head? Or maybe one of his legs?" He interrogated, leveling an angry smile to the creature. Though it couldn't see it. Nim seemed to start jumping his gestures getting bigger and bigger, it made Asher feel better.

"Asher.. Calm." Herod's voice was hoarse from the back, though he felt the damned man had never truly known loss, who was he to tell him to calm down?

"Thank you." Valetta responded, her voice was no longer shaky Asher observed. "Nim will be without his tools for the foreseeable future.. I think-" Asher lashed outward faster then the priestess could see. He tossed his scimitar into the wall and reached behind him grabbing out his left long sword. He severed the left arm on the silently screaming Nimblewright, the limb tumbling to the ground soft birch striking the dark wood floor. "W-why would you!" Asher spun his blades in his hands sheathing one behind his back and the others at his side.

"That. That is punishment." Asher spat as he turned around and walked away, Alekzandr and Riu moved out of his way without a word. "I'm not coming back here, send your cries to someone who isn't going to tell everyone you let two kids die." One of the priests out the door opened his mouth. "I swear to god if you even say shit, I'll go to every church, dumpling shop, salon, garden, and tavern. Telling everyone how this crap hole of a workshop let children die and decided that the punishment for the creator of this killer, the people who let the fuck out. Did nothing." Asher growled in response. He stared down one hefty priest, knowing his mask would both intimidate and hide his facial emotions. "Do it." He leaned in closer. "I beg of you.. Do it.. Piss me off more." The priest yelped and stepped aside. Asher stormed away. Flexing his hand from pulling free that sword. "Markos if they follow us.. Unleash hell." Asher kicked in the rooftop door as he stormed away, it was getting late. He was going home to sleep. 

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