Herod Westwood: XXXII

Start from the beginning

"Herod.." Herod looked up at the green eyes of Puderis the deity of chastity. "We.. You.. my champion, mustn't fail, time stands still around you now as I show you the destruction given to me from the Lateracies." Herod's eyes were wide as he heard the fear pour from his god's throat, the voice was shaky yet still held its deep bellow. "What you see around you now.. Is just one of possible futures.. But it is the future you are headed towards currently, if you and your friends are not able to halt hell.. He.. it.. Will take over from where your enemies succeeded.." Puderis moved from Herod's field of vision as He looked before him, winged demons descended from the sky as the ground opened up revealing pits of lava and despair Herod saw visions of hell itself. The laughter was distant yet remained Puderis's back turned in anger his burning halo stretched out sapping the demons from the sky. Herod knew then he had been saved.. Saved to fight the first enemy, to stop the second enemy. Slowly more things appeared, halting from the ground itself. "Run. run home my champion, BRACE YOURSELF FOR THE COMING STORM!" Puderis bellowed, beating his head downward, lighting and power rippled from his antlers, fighting back the vision. Herod felt his body unfreeze as he looked at the figure before him, the green mist clouded away leaving only him standing with his blade in hand pointed at the drow figure. The figure's foot raised as it moved to take a step towards him. Herod shook his head, instantly an incantation sprouted from his lips without a single thought.

"Inern Puderis Noi Arger." Herod whispered as he pointed his blade forward He rattled off the words, instantly he turned on his heels the spirit of Vulity leapt from his blade running in front of Herod as he was led away. Behind him just as he turned he heard the sound of green energy and fire engulf the figure, his Hellish rebuke taking hold, if he was struck Herod could redeliver that same damage back to his opponents all beit only a few times before resting.. But he did not need to turn to see his handiwork, green flames most likely engulfed the figure as Herod ran his blade guiding him home. While he fled.. He got the feeling it wasn't necessary almost like.. He wasn't even being followed. Fear consumed him as he galavanted away, his heart pounded and his lung begged for every ounce of air. Herod ran down the streets his wound not really bleeding at this point, yet he still held his left hand against it regardless. Herod hit the corner of one alleyway as he tried to get back onto the main streets running towards TrollSkull manor his arms flailing as he ran, Herod bumped shoulders with a city guard member as he ran.

"Hey! Don't have weapons out-" He ignored the man and ran past the street viewing the signs above him. TrollSkull alley was painted in a crude white paint on a black sign on one of the roads, he shook with a terror he had not felt in years, Death.. Death was a sensation he had come so close to once.. He would not come close to it again..

"Vigorem sensuonnadh permoti!" He casted findish vigur on himself instantly, relief spread through the wound as it closed to his magic. Herod reached the familiar dark oak doors of the manor and pushed against them knowing the party never locked them as he burst into the room and collapsed in its entrance, his body still trembling with fear. He couldn't tell when he was overcome with that fear, or at what point it started. All he knew was he was scared now.. And it wasn't going away soon. Herod lifted his green eyes up to see a pair of blue eyes looking down at him, he looked into Alekzandr's concerned eyes as he shook.

"Comrade are you.." Alekzandr started but he quickly felt a hand grab his side. Herod looked over to see the mask of Asher gripping his arm. While the cover meant he couldn't gauge any form of emotion the small green slits said enough in concern.

"He's hurt," Asher announced, flipping him onto his side. He felt Asher reveal the half healed wound covered with his left hand. "Fucking dumbass.. What the hell happened to you.. The.. wound looks burned!" He looked up to see Riu on a nearby pedestal with Markos next to her, she sat shivering with a blanket around her body. She was dressed in normal clothing as her chest rose and fell rapidly with her breaths. He blinked as he looked around the room, everyone held dreary and concerned looks on their faces.

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