Herod Westwood: XXVII

Start from the beginning

"Oh sick.." Asher muttered. Asher pulled two objects from behind the drow unveiling two long elven scimitars. "I got some new weapons." Asher asserted, completely ignoring the drow.

"He doesn't have any money." Adleth mentioned as she cleaned her nails. "I mean.. Any more money." She corrected. Herod leaned forward sliding his hands across the dark-elf's clothes lifting bits and pieces of things off of him. Riu pressed closed, probably using the drows cloak to dry herself off.

"You will unhand me! And- I- are you mugging me?" The drow requested.

"Wait, I'm sorry, are we mugging him?" Herod clarified. Asher gave him a quick look that just said 'well duh'. 'I guess we are..' He thought happily.

"W- are you stealing fr-" The drow started.

"Why the hell are you doing this?" Markos grabbed the drow now stripped of his armor and weapons and pinned him against a nearby wall.

"Why not?" The drow answered. "There is so much critch on these streets on my streets, who else can clean it up-" The drow stopped for a second as he observed Markos's face. "Oh so you're a little biir girl too huh?" The dark-elf insulted. Markos squinted and knee'd the drow in the balls.

"A. I'm a guy, B. You really wanna call the insane man who's got a knife to your dick garbage?" Markos sneered. The drow frowned.

"You dont have-" Adleth grabbed the back of the drow's head holding a short sharp dagger to his jewels. "Ah." the drow whimpered. They had now placed a knife to his dick. Herod blaced a hand swirling with energy next to the dark-elf's face giving the garbage a wink.

"Explain yourself." Markos hissed. "Now. before I start reading you a pleasant book." The drow began to look around, sneering at the party.

"My man, I'm going to be honest with you." Herod clasped his glowing hand sending a shockwave of pain down the drow's body. "You just got caught, beat up, and tied up. We have faced literally no challenge. Do you really want to sneer at us? Ah ah." He held up a hand stopping the drow from talking. "Cool.. thought so."

"You're the insane one! The cultist of Waterdeep, oh I've heard much about you." The drow muttered. "Yes.. you've managed to piss off my master of all people, ohh what I'm doing here is barely a concern for you." The drow seemed to squirm as he spoke.

"Stupid fuck." Herod threw a punch and felt his fist crack the drow's nose. He warned him.

"Oh.." Markos replied. "Not of concern to us." Markos added. "I mean you only killed like five people, so of course it's not a concern." Herod watched Markos meet his eyes as he got the message. Unsheathing his sword Herod bashed the end of it against the drow's head.

"Look buddy, if you just explain yourself a little, we'll let you go ok? And maybe add a little bit about that master while you're at it. Or my friends here." Herod gestured to Alekzandr Asher and Riu. "Will have to beat the crap out of you, while my other less friendly associate here." Herod referred to Adleth. "Will cut your dick off. Then this dude you're calling trash." Herod pointed at Markos. "Will sacrifice that dick, along with the rest of your dickless little drow bitch of a body to his god and then we're gonna go get some ale." He smiled as he laid the drow's fate out against him. "Oh and I'm not gonna break a sweat.. This is not exactly your vibe man." Alekzandr leveled his rifle at the drow's face and Herod turned back to see his reaction. The drow looked bitter and angry as he began to loosen and finally sigh.

"I can't stand it, the ongoing raging of these stupid half breeds!" The drow yelped looking at Markos. "Inferior beings all of them! My aim was to kill them all.. To rid these streets of them. Stupid impure blooded biir!" Herod leaned back hoping to not catch the racist spit.

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