Mike opened the box and smiled at the two black, diamond studs. He didn't wear earrings too often but Chester had always said he looked hot with them in so he'd started wearing them.

"They're perfect, thank you," he said giving Chester a hug, "I have something for you."

Chester's face perked up and Mike grinned at the smile he saw there. He gave Chester the little box that he'd had in his hand the whole time and Chester tore into it. Mike laughed as Chester ripped the wrapping paper off quickly and opened the box. His eyes widened and he jumped on Mike.

"Oh my god it's amazing!" he cried as he tackled Mike in a hug and kissed him. Chester smiled down at him, his eyes shining happily and everything seemed so perfect. Mike pushed Chester off of him.

"Come on! Put it on! Let's see how sexy you look," Mike said. Chester scrambled over to the box and clicked the silver spiked, black collar onto his neck. Mike grinned as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Chester. Chester's hands came up to his shoulders and then they were kissing.

"Thank you Mikey," Chester whispered. He looked so cute in his green, plaid pajama pants and his red t-shirt.

"You look great Chazzy," Mike breathed as he kissed Chester again. Chester smiled and then rested his head on Mike's shoulder.

"Remember Homecoming?"

"I don't think I could ever forget it."

"Thank you so much."

"For what."

"For being you. Because I fucking love you, and everything about you. You're always there for me and I feel as if I could tell you all of my issues and you would have some way to make it better. I've never poured my heart out to anyone. Thank you for listening and being you."

"I'll always be here for you Chester. I promise."

Their hug was interrupted when Chester's stomach growled noisily, causing Mike to start laughing. Chester smiled slightly and Mike put his arm around the other boy's shoulders.

"Let's get you some proper Christmas food huh?" Mike said. Chester grinned and they sat down at the table. Mike brought out some food from the fridge along with a plate of cookies. They sat across from each other, digging into their Christmas dinner. Chester ate so much, Mike was sure he was just going to explode. They took the plate of cookies into the living room and sat down by the Christmas tree. Mike started a fire in the fireplace and then they ate their cookies together. They huddled in blankets eating cookies and sipping hot chocolate which Chester had begged him to make. It was so cozy. Mike wished it could stay like this forever. He would never forget how bruised up Chester was right now but he wanted to make the other boy forget about it. He kissed Chester softly and smiled as the other boy tasted like chocolate and sugar cookie. He'd never tasted anything so good.

"Merry Christmas baby," Chester said as he snuggled closer to him. Mike smiled and kissed him again.

"Merry Christmas Chazzy."

They sat by the fire for a long time and just talked. Mike told Chester how upset he'd been after Chester had left and Chester continued to apologize for it. They talked about anything. Favorite movies, shows, games, colors. Mike found out that Chester really liked the color red and had even gone as far as to dye his hair red one year. Mike laughed and then brought the bundle of blankets, that was his boyfriend, into his arms.

"I considered dyeing my hair blonde for you. Like a golden blonde," Mike said softly. Chester grinned at him.

"I think it would look amazing."

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