Chapter Twenty- Six: Mission Compromised

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Avagay rest her hand exactly on the knife. She smiles to herself, probably for once things will be better. She looks over on the sleeping man beside her. She still hasn't learnt his name yet. However, what is that to her, how can it benefit her current situation. She imagines herself sticking the knife into his huge figure. Only if he knew what was coming his way. The man starts to snore. Let a sleeping man lie is what they say.

She then stares outside through her window, then closes her eyes. She rolls the window down and takes in some fresh air. She slowly takes her weapon from her hair and lays it in her lap. Let a sleeping man lie, she rethinks. She opens the door and kicks the man outside, shuts the door then stabs the man on the front passenger seat in his side. She retrieves the driver's gun from his waist and orders him to stop the car. He doesn't at first. However, Ava slaps him in the head with her gun. He stops, Ava shoots the passenger killing him, then kicks his dead body outside, and gets in the passenger seat. She then orders the man to drive her to HQ or die. He drives.

Soon they reach on the main road when the man abruptly stops the car. He jumps out for his life and starts running for the bushes but doesn't make it too far, because Ava kills him.

"No one gets out of this sh** alive only the star," she shouts in anger, then drives off. She reaches HQ in a couple hours; however she stays out of sight. She wears a knife belt left by sleeping beauty. It possesses three knifes, she adds her knife to it - after wiping it clean- she then adds her gun. She sits back and think of a way she can get past the guards and the security cameras.

Just then she remembers the procedure. She drives up at the gate, the security comes out and checks who is there, then presses the buzzer around his neck to open the gates if the coast is clear.

Ava observes the facility a bit longer before putting her plan into action. She takes out her pistol putting it between her thighs before turning on the tired vehicle. She drives and stops at the gate, and as expected the security comes out. His slender legs stretch before him, not knowing the fate that awaits him.

"Good night-", the guard begins, but receives a bullet to the head before he can finish. Ava steps out the van plucks the security's necklace like buzzer from his neck. She hops back in the car, presses the buzzer as she approaches the gate. She locks it, when she enters, then takes a look at the dead body through the rear mirror. What a pleasant sight, she thinks. To see someone, suffer, to see someone die. To get into the building without a fight. 

She wasn't the little girl from years ago and will never ever be like her. That Ava is dead and buried, sold to the fire to burn for her stupidity. Her parents' loss, her loss. Sent to burn for it. She's also here to avenge it and take what's rightfully Her's. No more games are what she wants to say. However, the phrase from a famous book sing in her ears. " In the end it's all the same,
In the end it's all a game"

Avagay shakes her head not quite understanding the parable. However, how could she at this time try to figure out what it means. She's on a mission, which will determine her fate forever.

She drives into the garage and gets out the vehicle, no shoes on. She strides towards the Muslim agent; she saw coming out a car earlier. She moves silently, but quickly behind the lady. She covers the agent's mouth from behind, cause the woman to freeze on spot. Ava then rams the knife into her body. Fresh blood reaches Ava's nose. She stabs her again with the knife.

"Run ava!", Her father's voice echos in her head.

"Have a nice day at school"

"You nearly died"

Ava looks down at the limp body in her hand. What have she done?

'Was I am murderer? 'Did I really set the vehicle on fire'

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