Chapter Twelve: Upon return

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They entered the dorm they haven't seen in more than a year. Avagay memories came rushing back. Home. That's where she was.  Christopher realizes Crystal has moved out. Probably sharing room with Robert.

The dust settles on any and everything in the room. Cobwebs reached for them, no one had entered their room since. It is just the way he left it.

Both agents cleaned the room, then washed themselves afterwards. Avagay went and washed their clothes, which they hadn't worn for more than a year. She got some new bed spreads, while exploring headquarters. She remembered some places, and anywhere she didn't remember  she would ask someone.

They were the current gossip. Rouge Agents captured but not eliminated. Everywhere she went people started to whisper and stare, she was like a celebrity. Some had the audacity to come to her, she answered the none personal questions and left the rest.

Christopher told her about their newly mission, when they both were cleaning. She would train with him for the current days and build back the agent within her.

Avagay exits the elevator on the second floor of the dorm building.  She approaches her room, which she shares with Christopher. A girl stands there her ginger hair barely brushing her shoulders. She holds a package in her left hand, which also possess a ring. Her hour glass bottle shape is tightly gripped by her black bodysuit.
Avagay analyzes the style of her clothes blue strips extending from her side.  Her black boots stops at her ankle, and is enhanced by her blue gloves, which leaves out her fingers. Her foot taps, as she waits for someone to open the door. Chris does.

Avagay watches the reunion. The girl flings her hand around Christopher pulling him into a tight hug. She blabbers about the rumors going around and her joy for seeing him again. She asks for Avagay. It's then that Christopher points infront of him with a smile on his face. It's the first Ava has seen him smile. It's a half smile but at least he smiles.

The girl turns the package held against her chest. It's then that Ava recognizes her from her memories. Her grey eyes sparkles with surprise, as her warm  smile welcome Ava back home. Crystal extends her arms running to greet Ava, who held the basket in her hand.

Avagay doesn't quite remember her, but she must be someone she had known well. She places the basket down and hugs her. She has never been so warm before.

After the little reunion Avagay went training with Christopher. She found out that she wasn't so rusty after all. Many agents watched her and praised her after her training in the different areas. They knew she had just awoken from a comma, her profound techniques shocked the different teachers.

First she went to the takwando center, since that was her speciality before she joined the agency. Then she fought with knifes. She went to the arcade to shoot she missed all her targets except one, she still needed to work on that. All her other areas were well, Christopher himself was surprised. He challenged her to a showdown, which he won. Of course, because he was a constant training agent and he was much larger in size.  She needed to work on her nutrition.

Night came along, and so did dinner. She meet Robert, Crystal's fiance and member of team Shadow. He was larger than Chris in body, with a cheerful personality. He made fun of Christopher and brought up past stories. With every moment he got he expressed his love to Crystal, earning a blush from her every time. His jokes made Ava laugh and the air light. She could see why she would become friends with these people.

At the end of the day Ava was tired but happy. She could also say the same for Chris. His dimple that she never once recognized showing itself. His stern face relaxed as his arm hung loosely around Crystal's shoulder. They walked back to their room, the couple beside Ava and Chris' room. They wished each other a good night as they departed.

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