Chapter Eight: Caught

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It's about midnight not a sound can be heard, not even the hoot of an owl. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling, thinking about the toned man that lays asleep beside me.

Could he possibly betray me again? Of course he could. But, would he dare to? He told me to trust him.

I look over on him: innocent. Looks are very deciving. He looks so innocent, so sexy, a tiger. Shut up! Damn it! Get back on track.

He looks so innocent. Yet, he killed someone. A ruthless agent, my memories possess his  past actions. Disciplined agent, unlike myself. I would like to know why he went Rogue? Why I went Rogue? Why he didn't tell me I was an agent? Is he holding back anything  else from me? Did he tell me any lies?

Worry hangs over my head. Something is definitely off. Something: I need to find out. Too much questions, too little information. What is life, without knowing what's going on? Something. I sigh.

I need to go back to sleep, however I could feel it. It was coming: light.

A light flashes behind us as the vehicle trackle up the path. Who could this be at this time off night? The vehicle slows, I watch it in the rear mirror. Why did they drive on the track instead of on the front road? It's very lonely out here at night? Not that we are doing anything better.

The car comes to a stop. The light dims and big silhouettes come out the car. I sit up as they come into the light: armed men. Are they from HQ?

"Chris, Chris"


" I think we have company," I say looking over my shoulder. He looks over his shoulder too.

"Shit" Chris grabs my arm opening the door quietly. He pushes me indicating I should go outside, I do, and he follows.

The men approach the vehicle as Chris grabs my hand and we run down into the trees.

We run down the slope hand in hand. I can bet we look like run away teenagers. I look behind me, shit!

"they're chasing us," I inform Chris. He looks behind him.

"Shit! How did they find us," Chris says  picking up speed dragging Ava along with him. They take a turn running further.

"they're still on our tail. You think they are from HQ," I question running out of breath. I try to keep up with Chris' pace. No can do. My short legs allows me not.

"of course who else would chase us?" he responds looking over at me.

"I can't keep up," I tell him

"you have to stay with me," Chris replies and grips my hand tighter. It's as if he was saying I won't let you slip or fall. You'll stay by my side.

"Hey stop there," I know that voice, it's Santa.

"Hey," he shouts again.  Hi, now bye. We run faster. They run faster. We can't lose them. Trouble. We can never run or hide from it. Trouble just finds us.

Two men emerges from the trees in front of us. Great! We skid to a stop.

"What do we do?" I whisper to Chris. He let out a sharp breath.

"Get out" He runs towards the man on the left: they fight. The man on the right approaches me. Shit!

He kicks me in the gut, I grab his foot flinging it backwards. I jab him in his side kicking him afterwards. I push my wrist under his chin, chopping him in the neck afterwards. I go for a next chop he grabs my arm kicking me in the back. I kneel my back turned to him.

Trouble always find a way to get you down on your knees. I guess.

I look to the side at Chris. Man down. His opponent lays still looking up at the stars. Beautiful view, I know.

"Surrender," Santa says as he comes closer with his other elves. His grey hair slicked to the side, sweat trickling down his face. He must have lost a couple pounds. He grips his gun firmly, his elves do too. I look to Chris.

Chris shuffles his feet as his eyes grow dark. He doesn't even glance Ava's way.

"If you move we shoot," Santa says.

"As if you would shoot me"

"Try me" oh Santa is really hot tonight. Try me. Ha, I would love to.

Chris looks at me. I shake my head. I can't go anymore. We can't win, not this time. In life we can never always accomplish everything at once, one step at a time.

"Let's stop for now," I say. Santa huffs, then chuckles. I look to him, shut up. I move my focus back to Christopher, he dwells on his thoughts for a minute before saying something.

"Do your thing," he says holding his hands out. They handcuff him, and me.

Santa drags me up staring into my eyes. I get a better look at him. His dull blue hazel eyes holds dark circles around them, bags forming under his eyes. His broad nose doing work of wonders for him at his old age. His thin lips draw in a line, his curly beard hanging low. He walks off with me. He does kinda look like Santa, probably his brother.

My opponent walks up towards Santa whispering something. Santa frowns, then looks at me. What did I do now? Before I know it my head is slammed into a tree. My eyes close and I transfer to a world beyond this world. Into nothingless.

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