Side Story 1: You Have Me

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Atsumu: "Omiiii... this isn't a hoodie!" I was looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing Omi's MSBY jersey. He's just a little bigger than me yet wearing his clothes is making me look small. My shoulders slumped down and I started to pout. Just how big is Omi!?

Sakusa: "Aaaatsuuu... how much longer??" He whined. I groaned and peaked out from the door. He looked at me. "C'mere please." He made grabby hands.

I took a deep breath, looked down, opened the door completely and slowly made my way in front of him. I felt really embarrassed, I could feel how my face had gotten hot. I waited for Omi to say anything, but there was only silence. Now, insecurities are now just starting to bubble up and I wanted to cry.

Do I look bad?

This was Omi's idea, was he regretting it now?

Is he going to break up with me now?

Can I live without Om- -

I felt arms wrap around my waist and was pulled into a tight hug. Omi was rubbing his face on my stomach.

Atsumu: "O- - Omi?"

Sakusa: "You look amazing..." He looked up at me.

Atsumu: "Bu- - but why did ya let me wear yer jersey?"

Sakusa: "Coz it suits you." He beamed at me with an award winning smile. But then it turned into a smirk. "Especially the name behind it." My soul just screamed as my face went blood freaking red. Since when did Omi become a flirt? And a good one at that!


Just smooth was all I could think of.

Atsumu: "Omi!" He was rubbing and squeezing my thighs for about an hour now

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Atsumu: "Omi!" He was rubbing and squeezing my thighs for about an hour now. "I know I gave you thigh-rights, but this is abuse of power!" I was standing in between Omi's legs as he sat on the bed.

Sakusa: "Mine..."

Atsumu: "Omi..." I whined. Then we heard a knock on our door. "Omi, let go!"

Sakusa: "Mine."

Atsumu: " I know.... but..." I tried to get out of his grip but failed.

Sakusa: "Mine."

Atsumu: "Omi!"

Sakusa: "Mine."

Atsumu: "Omiiii..."

Sakusa: "Miiiine."


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